Physiology is a branch of science that examines the events of life in living organisms and their various functions. In short, physiology is the science of life.

Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are introduced to the courses "Physiology I", "Physiology II" and "Animal Behavior" in the 1st year and receive basic information about pre-clinical bodily functions. Courses are carried out theoretically and practically. Theoretical courses in physiology include topics related to general physiology, respiration, blood circulation, kidney function, digestive and nervous, hormonal and reproductive systems, as well as heat regulation and metabolism. The theoretical topics of ethology cover the behavior of domestic animals. Practical courses of physiology are conducted on pets, laboratory animals and frogs in a way that increases the knowledge that students receive in the theoretical course. At the same time, "Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis" course is offered as an elective for students who choose the Small Animal Medicine group in the final year.

The department also provides course support to the Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Production Program.

The main fields of study of the Department of Physiology are; veterinary hematology, digestive physiology in ruminants, hormonal system, blood pressure on different laboratory animals and especially rats, and central and peripheral mechanisms mediating the regulation of blood pressure from the central nervous system, long-term calorie restriction and liver ischemia-reperfusion injury studies.


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Create Date: 2/6/2025 3:25:51 PM
Last Modify Date: 2/18/2025 10:22:59 AM
