Education, Training:

In our department, taxonomy, biology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, protection and control methods of internal and external parasites are taught at undergraduate and graduate levels. Undergraduate students are introduced to the science of parasitology for the first time through the course "General Parasitology and Helminthology". Following this, "Arthropodology, Protozoology and Bee Diseases" courses are given. Also, 10. "Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Public Health" courses are given to semester students multidisciplinarily together with other departments.



Scientific research in the Department of Parasitology has focused on different problems in the wide range of parasitology science. For example; diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology of parasites in different organs of domestic animals and wild animals, such as sheep, goats, cattle, dogs, cats and poultry; leishmaniosis, neosporosis, eimeriosis, diagnosis and epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne diseases are among the subjects studied. For about 20 years, trial studies have been carried out against various parasitic infections in animals of a large number of antiparasitic active substances that are "under development, newly released to the market or available on the market". Flies biology, drug trials and resistance detection studies in flies are also one of our fields of study in recent years. In addition, the phenomenon of resistance to anthelminths is among the research topics. The department also collaborates with the Institute of Parasitology of Justus-Liebig University (Giessen, Germany) and national and international pharmaceutical companies.

Since 1984, 18 doctoral and 1 master's students have successfully completed their studies in the department.


The Department of Parasitology assists our faculty clinics, private clinics and the Faculty of Medicine of our University with the diagnosis of parasitic infections and parasites. At the same time, the Department has undertaken responsibility in terms of purifying the animals raised in the farm of our Faculty from parasitic diseases. Most importantly, it serves the people of Bursa by cooperating with human physicians on issues that are closely related to public health.



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Create Date: 10/26/2022 8:45:35 PM
Last Modify Date: 2/18/2025 11:36:54 AM
