Department of Animal Science; It deals with the morphological and physiological characteristics of farm animals, their care and management, genetic levels of yields and ways of genotypic improvement, collection, analysis and interpretation of measurable or quantifiable information, and business management and economics principles. The Department of Animal Science is in close contact with the branches of Veterinary Medicine, especially Biometrics, Livestock Business Economics, Genetic, Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Obstetrics and Artificial Insemination, Food/Food Hygiene and Technology
Zootechny in the modern sense; It is the branch of science that puts all the developments in the field of animal husbandry into practice. In this context; Department of Animal Science provides care and management, ecological services for farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, horses and pigs, as well as poultry animals such as broilers and laying hens, quails, partridges, pheasants, peking ducks and ostrich, and pet animals such as cats and dogs. Increasing efficiency with alternative production systems, including (sustainable, organic) production; Development of resistant, productive genotypes with high adaptability using traditional and/or modern biotechnological breeding methods; In the principles of biosecurity from fork to farm, safe food production, herd health (biosecurity) and herd management, production economics and development, increasing welfare standards in animals, reducing losses and increasing product quality, development of environmentally compatible production technologies, examination of animal behavior, sustainable production methods and It conducts current and future planning training and research in the fields of precision animal husbandry technologies
In animal science education, in addition to the vocational compulsory courses of Animal Breeding I, Animal Breeding II, Animal Husbandry, Livestock Economics, Laboratory Animal Breeding, elective courses on animal species are given in the Farm Animal Medicine and Breeding, Poultry Medicine and Breeding and Small Animal Medicine modules. Practices related to theoretical courses are carried out in species-related units at the Research and Application Center, public livestock enterprises, private farms and hippodromes, so that students can gain skills.
Department of Animal Science continues its meat and milk quality, research and training studies in the cattle, sheep, goat, laying hen, broiler, quail, dog and pig breeding units and the laboratory of the Department of Animal Science at the Animal Health and Animal Production Research Center of Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine