While the Department of Animal Husbandry Business Economics was a branch of the Department of Animal Husbandry in the academic structure, it has started to operate as a branch of science in many Veterinary Faculties due to the developments in the animal husbandry sector in Turkey. It is thought that it would be appropriate to change the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry Business Economics, which operates as a branch of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Nutrition in our faculty, to “Animal Health Economics and Management” in order to be compatible with many Veterinary Faculties and Associate Professorship scientific fields.
The "Livestock Economics" course, which is compulsory for undergraduate students in our faculty, and the "Livestock Enterprises Management and Business Economics" course for graduate students are given by our department, and two elective courses are planned to be opened for our undergraduate students who want to further develop themselves in this field.
While the poultry sector in Turkey completed its development in the early 1990s and has been carried out in a modern and intensive manner since then, other animal production sectors, especially dairy farming, have undergone a tremendous change in recent years and have transformed/are transforming into an intensive production model. The intensive production model is a planned production model that requires investment, capital, and technology use, and its most important feature is that economic and biological efficiency are at the forefront.
The most important issues that stand out in intensive production, which is a corporate business that requires high technology, large capacity, professional thinking, are herd health and management and business economy. In order for business owners or managers to make rational decisions about their business at every stage, from choosing a business location to marketing the products, the integration of basic business rules and technical issues of production has become much more important in today's intensive production model.
Depending on these developments in animal production, the importance of Livestock Business Economics or Animal Health Economics and Management sciences at undergraduate and graduate levels in Veterinary Medicine education is increasing.