The Department of Biometry was first established under Biostatistics under the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uludağ University, and became a separate department in 2010.

Statistics is a collection of methods used to collect, organize, summarize, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. Statistical methods applied in studies in health sciences have developed over time and emerged as a separate branch of science, apart from the generally known department of statistics, and has been named biostatistics.

Biostatistics is a science used to correctly apply data obtained in all health sciences fields and interpret the results obtained. Statistical methods and science must be used at all stages of scientific research. Biostatistics science is used from determining the number of subjects to be used in studies in the field of health sciences to experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation of the results.

Biostatistics is very important in research conducted in veterinary medicine to increase the scientific value and quality of the studies. For this reason, the main goal of our Department is to introduce the science of biostatistics to Veterinarian candidates and to provide them with information about the statistical methods they will use in their field.

To provide education on biostatistics in our faculty, students are first given basic biostatistics terminology within the "Biostatistics" course, which is given to undergraduate students by our Department and covers one semester. Topics such as parametric and non-parametric tests required for statistical analysis and sampling methods are explained, and the basis for future scientific studies is tried to be formed. Biostatistics course, a compulsory course of the Institute of Health Sciences, is given by our Department for students receiving master's and doctoral education in our faculty.

Our Department also provides statistical consultancy services for projects, theses, and other scientific studies based on research and analysis of all faculty units.



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Create Date: 11/18/2024 11:50:57 AM
Last Modify Date: 2/18/2025 12:04:59 PM
