The Department of Food Hygiene and Technology plays an active role in the supply of animal foods, which have an important place in nutrition, to the consumer, from production to consumption, in accordance with legal regulations and quality and healthy food criteria.

In the Undergraduate Education Program of the Department; There are compulsory courses in Food Hygiene and Technology, Meat Inspection and Technology, Veterinary Public Health and Milk and Dairy Products Technology I. In addition, in the Intern program of the Food Hygiene and Technology Group; There are vocational elective courses on Meat Hygiene and Technology, Dairy Hygiene and Technology II, Food Safety Control and HACCP, Poultry Products Hygiene and Technology, and Aquaculture Hygiene. Within the scope of these courses, theoretical and

applied information is given primarily on the importance of animal foods in nutrition, physical, chemical and microbiological control methods, production and preservation technologies, and current legal regulations. Applications of the relevant courses are carried out in the Food

Hygiene and Technology Laboratory, Food Microbiology Research Laboratory, Food Businesses- Meat and Dairy Units located in the Animal Health and Animal Production, Research and Application Center and in the meat integrated facilities, which is the protocol of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Within the Department of Postgraduate Education; Compulsory and elective courses given in the Master's and Doctorate programs are updated every year in the Institute of Health

Sciences course plans. As a research environment for the applications of the courses and thesis


studies, the facilities belonging to the enterprise are used in the joint studies carried out with the laboratories of the Department and animal food enterprises.

Food Hygiene and Technology Laboratory facilities: Biosafety cabinet type II, stomacher (pedal homogenizer) (2 units), ultraturrax (shear homogenizer), precision balance (2 units), magnetic stirrer with heating plate, water bath, refrigerator (3 units), deep freezer (-20°C) (2 units), autoclave (2 units), incubator (3 units), carbon dioxide incubator, vortex mixer (2 units), drying oven (1 unit), fume hood, water activity measuring device, microscope, pH meter, Runik Thermal Cycler, DNA/RNA UV-Cleaner Box, microcentrifuge, agarose gel electrophoresis system, microwave

Food Microbiology Research Laboratory facilities: Biosafety cabinet type II, precision balance (2 units), pHmeter, water bath, orbital mixer, refrigerator (2 units), deep freezer (-20°C), deep freezer (-80°C), LightCycler 2.0 real time PCR system, autoclave, gel imaging system,

microcentrifuge (2 units), refrigerated centrifuge, nanodrop spectrophotometer, block heater, miniVIDAS device, incubator (3 units), vortex mixer (2 units), magnetic stirrer with heating plate, drying oven (2 units), light microscope, PCR cabinet, agarose gel electrophoresis system, PCR device with air heater

Basic research topics in Master's and Doctorate thesis studies; Evaluation of the compliance of the chemical and microbiological quality of animal foods with legal regulations, determination of bacterial pathogens/metabolites frequently encountered in animal foods by using internationally accepted standard bacteriological methods and molecular-based rapid tests, determination of production hygiene level in enterprises for solving problems in the food sector.


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Create Date: 11/18/2024 1:36:54 PM
Last Modify Date: 2/18/2025 12:13:04 PM
