Preferences application will be accepted online via between the dates of June 10th and June 25th, 2024(It will end at 17.00 Turkish Time.) (Applications for our University's International Student Quotas have been extended until June 30, 2024 (until 23.59 Türkiye time) due to popular demand.)

ADDITIONAL PLACEMENT PREFERENCE APPLICATION: Preferences application will be accepted online via between the dates of September 11th and September 15th, 2024. (It will end at 17.00 Türkiye Time.) Click here for the announcement and application.

Preference, evaluation and placement procedures;

The conditions of Higher Education Council accepting students from abroad

A- General conditions, 2.c) item; “The continuation of the practice of applying for foreign student admission quotas within the framework of the criteria determined by the universities in accordance with Article 45/f of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, amended by Law No. 6287, and the Principles Regarding the Admission of Students from Abroad, determined by the Higher Education Council, it is possible to apply for the quota for student admission from abroad; candidates who have obtained a permit and who certify that they have the Certificate on the Exercise of the Granted Rights (blue card), given to their underage children registered on the certificate of renunciation of Turkish citizenship, continued their secondary education abroad before 01/02/2013 and spent the last three years of their secondary education (high school) in a foreign country excluding the TRNC, T.C. nationals who have completed their high school education or who have completed their high school education in high schools abroad (except TRNC high schools), T.C. nationals, and one of their nationalities is T.C, and also;

i) The continuation of determining student quota for the departments of Teaching, Law, Medicine and Dentistry, which accept foreign students and are recommended by the Higher Education Councils 

ii) However, not exceeding 10% of the quota in the aforementioned fields for these candidates, specific to these programs,” is done in accordance with the procedures and principles.

iii) In accordance with the article "Not to exceed 10% of the quota in the aforementioned areas for these candidates, specific to these programs", the candidates who will apply for the mentioned quotas must make their preference applications by taking this situation into account when applying for preference.

NOTE: (*) In accordance with the preference evaluation principles of YÖK; For Teaching, Law, Dentistry and Medicine Faculty quotas, placement will be made according to the 10% quota application in question, and candidates who are in this status (in accordance with the Turkish Citizenship Law, who are Turkish citizens by birth but lost their Turkish citizenship by obtaining permission to renounce their Turkish citizenship from the Ministry of Interior. Candidates who certify that they have a blue card, which is given to the losers upon their request, and those who have completed their high school education abroad (except TRNC) and dual citizenship and Turkish nationality), those who have the right to register due to making incomplete or erroneous entries in the requested information and documents, even if their placement has been made, this situation will not give them any rights and their registration will be deleted.

During the application, information must be entered into the system without errors, documents must be uploaded legibly and completely, and no changes can be made to the information and preferences.  (Each applicant may only apply once. There can be no changes after the preferences are made.)

* The information must be logged into the system accurately and can not be amended. (Each applicant may only apply once, and if more than one application is found, both applications will not be assessed.)

* The applications of the candidate's who have submitted missing or false information will not be processed.

* During certain registration, the authentic and approved copy of the documents must be provided.

* Personal candidate statements will be taken into account in applications whether they meet the application requirements or not. Candidates not meeting the application requirements, and candidates making applications and submitting preferences with misstatements will not be granted any rights even if they are placed in a program.

* During the application, placement and registration process;  transactions of candidates are canceled and their records are deleted at each determined stage in case of falsified, false, incomplete and incorrect document or information entry / declaration even if their final enrollment has been made. Additional / tuition fees they have paid are not refunded. Legal and administrative procedures are followed on their behalf.

Applications submitted in person or via e-mail will not be accepted.

E-mail address will be used in communication with candidates and it is important that your e-mail address is current and correct. The Notifications to candidates' e-mail addresses are deemed to be served.

* During the student selection process, candidates who have earned the right to definitive enrollment will learn about the placement results by logging into the placement result inquiry screen on the Bursa Uludağ University ULUYÖS web page. Candidates may obtain printouts of their acceptance letters from our university's ULUYÖS web page. (Acceptance letters are not sent to candidates via email.) Candidates can use this document to apply for a visa from Turkish foreign missions in their country.

* The rules prescribed in this guide can be changed if it is necessitated by the decision taken by the Higher Education Council after the publication of this guide.

Dates and conditions specified are subject to changes to be made by Uludağ University. Changes will be announced to the candidates on University’s website (ULUYÖS) to implementation.

* Preferences and registration procedures will be made on the ULUYOS website, which is the official communication channel of Bursa Uludağ University, and the information and sharing should not be respected.

* Bursa Uludağ University is free to fill the announced quotas or not. Meeting the requirements for application does not require acceptance. The right to enroll becomes final with the approval of the relevant Faculty/School Administrative Board. If the approval is not given, the right to registration does not arise.


* Applicants who wish to enroll in higher education programs that require special skills such as art, music, and physical education are selected through  special talent examinations. In order to apply for the units that accept students through special talent exams, the students are required to obtain an acceptable exam score that is deemed valid by the Senate of our University.

* The exam and application dates of the Special Talent exams will be announced by the relevant units. Candidates applying to placement quotas must submit  submit their applications to the relevant units. The placements to programs in departments that accepts students with a special talent examination will be carried out by commissions formed by the relevant units. Results will be announced by the relevant units as well. Candidates applying to departments or programs accepting students with special talent examination must meet the acceptance requirements, and pass the special talent examination administered by the Faculty/Conservatory as well.

* Additional Placements to available quota at the end of enrollment procedures will be among the candidates that are not placed to any Faculty/Vocational School, the results will be announced on  August 16, 2024. (Preference applications from candidates will not be accepted again.)

* In the applications, the applicants' own declarations regarding whether they meet the application requirements will be taken into consideration. Even if those who do not meet the application requirements and make an incorrect statement have started their education, they will not have a right to continue their education. If students are found to have failed to comply with the application requirements or have applied with incorrect information after  registration, they are dismissed from the university.

A candidate's application for preference for the quota means that he meets the above-mentioned application requirements and accepts all the issues in the Guide and Bursa Uludağ University's Directive on Foreign Student Admission.

The information, explanations and rules in the Guide can be changed if necessary by the decisions of Bursa Uludağ University Senate and/or Higher Education Council (YÖK) and other official institutions that may come into force after the publication date of the Guide. In this case, the path to be followed is determined by YDOKK. In cases not specified in the Directive and the Guide, action is taken according to the decisions made by YDOKK, ULUYOS Coordinator.

* Announcements on the website (ULUYOS) are in the form of notification to the candidates.

* Please read the Guide carefully before applying for a Preference.  


CLICK HERE for the Preference Application.  




Read Count: 417
Create Date: 11/29/2024 11:06:40 AM
Last Modify Date: 1/28/2025 4:34:42 PM
