Health Care Services

    The first resort for students regarding their health and psychological problems are the Family Practice and Youth Advisory Centre. Students apply with their Student ID Card to the Patient Reception Desk. The students initial examination, tests and treatment are carried out at the Family Practice within capacity and in accordance with the regulations. In cases that require further examination and treatment, applications are made to State and University hospitals or private hospitals.

      General Health Insurance (GSS)          

     General Health Insurance (GSS) is the name of the service established to ensure that everyone benefits from health services throughout the country.

     All foreign students studying in our country shall be registered for general health insurance if they submit a written request to the Social Security Provincial Directorate/Social Security Center within three months from the date of their first registration to the schools they study at.

      Documents Required for General Health Insurance (GSS) Application;

      - Student certificate

      - Passport

      - Residence Permit Document

                                       *****             *************       *****

        The announcement made by the Social Security Institution General Directorate of Insurance Premiums regarding the general health insurance of foreign students is as follows: 


     Pursuant to the amendment made on paragraph 7 of Article 60 of the Law No. 5510 in accordance with the Law No. 6486, all foreign students studying in our country, as of 29/05/2013, shall be registered as universal health insurance holders provided that they submit a written application to Social Security Provincial Directorates/ Social Security Centers within three months following their enrollment at school.

   Students who registered for the first time after 29/5/2013, within three months from the date of first registration, apply to the provincial social security directorate/social security center where the school they are studying is located, with a request petition and a student certificate showing the date of first registration of the school they are studying. As of the day following the date of their written request, they are provided with one-year general health insurance. Foreign students who are registered for general health insurance in this way must pay the general health insurance premium calculated on the 30-day amount of one-third of the lower limit of daily earnings subject to premium determined in accordance with Article 82 of the Law (this amount is approximately 810.00 per month for 2024). TL).

    On the other hand, the universal health insurance of foreign students, who were registered under the current Laws, shall be terminated for the reasons determined in this Law.

    In case the foreign students do not submit a written application to our Institution for universal health insurance within three months following their enrollment at school, they cannot be registered under universal health insurance during their study.

   Accordingly, the foreign students who would like to have universal health insurance are required to submit a written application to our Institution within three months following their enrollment at school.

      Respectfully announced to the public.


For Detailed Information:   -      Bursa Provincial Directorate of Social Security


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Last Modify Date: 1/28/2025 4:27:52 PM
