About Us

Brief History

The department of Food Engineering in Bursa Uludag University was established in 1981 in the framework of Faculty of Agriculture. The department named as Agricultural Products started accepting BSc and postgraduate students in 1982. The name was changed in 1984 as Food Science and Technology, and in 1993 as Food Engineering. The very first graduates of Food Engineering was in 1996. The major objective of the Food Engineering program is to train the personnel to produce wholesome, safe, and nutritious food in sufficient quantities at competitive prices, while utilizing resources with maximum efficiency. The focus of both research and academic programs is mainly on the related fields of the two divisions, named Food Science and Food Technology. The department has postgraduate programs leading to MSc and PhD degrees.

Qualification Awarded

This program is liable to first grade degree system with 240 ECTS credits on Food Engineering. A bachelor of science (BSc) degree in Food Engineering is acquired, when the program is successfully completed and the program requirements are provided.

Level of Qualification

First Cycle

Specific Admission Requirements

Applicants should have a high school/equivalent school diploma and an adequate score from the Exam for the Admission to Higher Education.

Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning

The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Students should successfully complete all the compulsory and elective courses that must be taken (totally 240 ECTS credits equivalent) and have a GPA of minimum 2.0 over 4.0.

Profile of The Programme

The main objective of the Food Engineering Department undergraduate program is to educate food engineers, with the ability to design, operate and develop systems to produce safe, high quality and value-added food products by watching the developments in the food industry, equipped with contemporary knowledge and skills to compete in the international arena; in other words, ideally endowed with scientific and engineering methods, having environmental consciousness, fond of their occupation and country.


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Create Date: 3/9/2021 10:15:34 PM
Last Modify Date: 3/9/2021 10:15:34 PM
