Assessment and Evaluation Board
No Name-Surname Duty
1 Assist. Prof. Gül DİNÇ ATA

Vice-Dean of Education

Vice-Coordinator of Term V

2 Prof. Dr. Halil SAĞLAM Educational Coordinator Member
3 Prof. Dr. Arzu YILMAZTEPE ORAL Faculty Member Member
4 Assoc. Prof. Aysun AKPINAR Faculty Member Member
5 Prof. Dr. Deniz SIGIRLI

Faculty of Medicine,

Biostatistics Department, Lecturer

6 Assoc. Prof. Ilker Mustafa KAFA

Faculty of Medicine,

Department of Medical Education, Lecturer

7 Assoc. Prof. Gülçin TEZCAN Vice-Coordinator of Term I Member
8 Assist. Prof. Cansu GÖRÜRGÖZ Vice-Coordinator of Term II Member
9 Assoc. Prof. Gonca DESTE GÖKAY Vice-Coordinator of Term III Member
10 Lecturer Dt. İlhan KAYA Vice-Coordinator of Term IV Member
11 Assist. Prof. Zeynep Ceren ÇELIK

Faculty Member



Assessment and Evaluation Board

Assessment and Evaluation Board consists of the Term Coordinators, a faculty member representing the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education and the Department of Biostatistics, and an IT-informatics specialist under the chairmanship of the Vise-Dean. All members are appointed by the Dean's Office. The board meets at least four times under the chairmanship of the Deputy Dean in each academic year, upon the call of the Dean's Office. An employee of the unit's student affairs office is assigned as a secretary.


          The duties and responsibilities of the Assessment and Evaluation Board are as follows:

  1. Prepares the exam calendars within the Academic Year and recommending them to the Education Commission,
  2. Prepares and develops the "Question Preparation and Exam Configuration Guide" and checks the compatibility of the structured exams with the guide,
  3. Organizes the halls and the inspectors in the conduct of the exams,
  4. Determines the total number of questions be asked in the exams, the distribution of questions per department, the way the questions are collected, and the last meeting date through the meetings held with the executives at the beginning of the academic year.
  5. Analyzes the exams in the Academic Year and evaluates the "Question-Learning Outcomes Matrices" and shares the results with the directors of lectures and the Program Evaluation and Development Board,
  6. Manages the creation, development, and operation of the question bank
  7. Reports its suggestions for the improvement and development of the exams held during the academic year and to solve the problems in the applications, and presents them to the Program Evaluation and Development Board and the Education Commission,
  8. Plans and implements in-service measurement and evaluation training.
  9. Prepares the national or international accreditation studies of the faculty.


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