

The exams to be held in graduate education can be evaluated in two different groups as passing the course and thesis exams. The rules regarding the passing exams are explained in the regulations and application principles.


From the Council of Higher Education:



Programs, exams and evaluation

Article 34 – (1) Graduate teaching programs in departments are comprised of core/elective courses required for the graduation, thesis, seminar and studies alike, and their total credit amount. These teaching plans are deliberated and approved by the relevant Executive Council, conditional on satisfying the minimum content requirement, specified by the Academic Councils.

(2)    Which graduate courses will be opened and which faculty members will give these courses in a semester are specified by the Executive Council upon the recommendations of the presidents of departments.

(3)    The following terms are taken into account for the creation graduate programs in accordance to credit, credit ranges that are determined in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey according to the diploma level and field of the relevant programs, and the AKTS credit decided upon by the University according to the students’ working hour:

a)     A graduate course’s one semester credit value is the sum of the total hour of the weekly theory courses that last one semester and the half of the hour of a weekly implementation or laboratory.

b)     AKTS credits are calculated within the frame of the terms specified by the Universities’ academic councils, in accordance with the acquisition of knowledge which corresponds to the help of the course in the information, skill and abilities which will be gained by the student through completing the relevant diploma program and clearly defined course hours for theory and implementation courses and required working hours for other activities for students.


(4)    Terms related to graduate programs such as attendance, course exams, course grades, conditions on being successful on a course, course repetition and other such terms are specified by the protocol issued by the Academic Council.

(5)    At least one course about scientific research methods and research and publication ethics must be given during the graduate education.

(6)    The courses that will be included in the syllabus, among the ones approved by the Executive Council, are decided by the student and the student’s supervisor. Until an supervisor is appointed, the president of the department board or the program coordinator supervises the student.

(7)    Universities may specify additional accomplishment criteria for students to be able to continue the program after any specific semester.

(8)    Qualifying, level determination and all exams measuring success in courses can be implemented on paper simultaneously for every candidate as well as electronically, allowing for asking different questions to each candidate in different time frames from a test bank which is stored in a secure location and arranged according to the field and level of difficulty. The terms on preparation of the exam questions, creation and the coding the of test bank, preserving the exam questions on paper or electronically and ensuring the security of the exam are specified by the Higher Education Board






ARTICLE 20 – (1) There are two types of compulsory exams, the final exam and the make-up exam for students who fail the final exam. However, if the relevant faculty member wishes, he/she can give a midterm exam or have students do quizzes, projects or homework.


(2) The final exam of a course is done at the end of the semester in which the course is completed. The exam format (written, written-oral or practical) is determined by the responsible lecturer. The effect rate of the final exam should be at least 60%. The effect ratio of make-up and final exams should be equal.


Success grade


ARTICLE 21 – (1) Success in a course is determined by the course success grade. The course success grade is determined by the final exam. For the student to be considered successful in a course, he/she must get at least 70 (CC) in the master's program and at least 75 (CB) in the doctorate. The letter grade and coefficient equivalents of the scores out of 100 are given in the table below:

   Letter Grade (Explanation)            Coefficient               Point

                 AA                                       4,00                     90-100

                 BA                                       3,50                      85-89

                 BB                                        3,00                       80-84

                 CB                                        2,50                       75-79

                 CC                                        2,00                      70-74

                  FF                                          0                          0-69

                   G                                          0                     

                   K                                          0                     

                   D                                          0                     

(2) In the evaluation of the scores obtained out of 100 within the framework of the first paragraph with letter grades; the students who get AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades in master’s programs and scientific preparation programs and the students who get AA, BA, BB and CB grades in the doctoral program are considered to be successful in that course.


(3) The definitions for letter grades are:


a) FF (Unsuccessful) grade is given to a student who does not take the exam or fails the exam after fulfilling the obligation to attend the course.

       b) G (Pass) grade is given to the students who successfully complete non-credit courses, specialization field course, thesis supervisory, thesis study and term project. It is not included in the average.

c) K (Fail) grade is given to the students who fail in non-credit courses, specialization field course, thesis supervisory, thesis study and term project.

ç) (Unattended) grade is given to the students who do not fulfill the obligation to attend the course or the conditions regarding course applications. Grade D is included in the grade point average calculation as FF.

(4) In graduate programs, if a student fails the final exam of any course takes the make-up exam. The grade of the make-up exam replaces the final exam grade. A student who does not take the final exam due to absenteeism cannot also take the make-up exam.

(5) The students who fail the exams of compulsory and elective courses, fail in absenteeism or do not fulfill the prerequisites of the relevant course, take the relevant course/courses in the first semester when they are opened. In the case of being unsuccessful in the elective course, the student can choose a new course instead.

(6) The exam results of the courses in the graduate programs are entered in automation system by the faculty member on the date specified in the academic calendar. The papers, questions and answers of the final and make-up exams, together with the exam minutes, are sent to the institute within five working days by the head of the institute department.

(7) Students are not entitled to make-up exams for the final and make-up exams.



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