Thesis Defense



From the Council of Higher Education:


Completing the Master thesis

Article 9 – (1) A student in a thesis Master program writes down the results of the research in accordance with the writing rules laid down by the Academic Council and defends the thesis orally before the thesis jury.

(2)    A student presents the thesis (or the revised version of the thesis if a revision is asked) to the thesis supervisor before the Master thesis defense. The supervisor submits the thesis to the institute if he/she thinks that the thesis is defendable. The Institute gets the plagiarism software program report for the thesis and sends it to the supervisor and the jury members. In the circumstance that the data in the report indicates the detection of actual plagiarism, the thesis is sent to the Executive Council for a detailed ruling.

(3)    Master thesis jury members are assigned with the recommendation of the thesis supervisor and the relevant department board with the approval of the Executive Council. Jury members are comprised of three or five faculty members, one of them being the thesis supervisor, and at least one jury member from a university other than the one they are affiliated with. If a jury committee is comprised of three members, the co-supervisor cannot be a jury member.

(4)    The students who have completed their thesis studies submits the desired number of copies to their thesis supervisor. The supervisor sends the copies of the thesis with his/her written opinion on the thesis’s compatibility with the writing guidelines to the relevant institute via the department board.

(5)    Jury members gather at most in one month, following the submission date of the thesis, and take the student to the thesis defense. The thesis defense is comprised of the presentation of the thesis which is followed by a question and answer session. The thesis defense takes place in an environment where faculty members, graduate students and field experts are able to participate.

(6)    After the completion of the thesis defense, jury members decide on, on the basis of absolute majority, the acceptance, rejection or the revision of the thesis. This decision is reported formally to the relevant institute by the department board in three days following the thesis defense.

(7)    Students whose theses get rejected as unsatisfactory are dismissed from the University.

(8)    Students who get a revision decision on their thesis must defend the revised thesis once again before the same jury at most within three months. Students whose theses are rejected as unsatisfactory in this defense are also dismissed from the University.

(9)    Upon the requisition of a student whose thesis is rejected, conditional on fulfilling the credit load of the non-thesis Master program, writing of a project and similar requirements, a non-thesis Master degree diploma can be awarded to the student.


Completing the doctoral thesis

Article 22 – (1) Doctoral Students have to write their results according to the Academic Council’s writing rules and present their theses orally before the jury.

(2)    Before the doctoral thesis defense, the student presents the thesis, or the revised version of the thesis if a revision was asked, to the thesis supervisor. The supervisor submits the thesis to the institute if he/she thinks that the thesis is defendable. The institute gets the plagiarism software program report for the thesis and sends it to the supervisor and the jury members. In the circumstance that the data in the report indicates the detection of actual plagiarism, the thesis is sent to the Executive Council for a detailed ruling.

(3)    At least three thesis monitoring committee reports should be submitted in order for a student to be able to complete a thesis.

(4)    The doctoral Thesis Jury is appointed on the recommendation of the department board and with the approval of the Executive Council. The jury consists of five members, including the student’s supervisor, three of them from the thesis monitoring committee and at least two members from a university other than the one they are affiliated with. Whether the thesis supervisor has the right to vote or not is specified by the relevant Executive Council. If thesis supervisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members. The co-supervisor may be in the jury without having the right to vote.

(5)    The jury members conduct a dissertation examination within one month after the dissertation has been submitted. The dissertation examination consists of the presentation of the dissertation and a question and answer session with the jury members. The dissertation examination takes place in an environment where faculty members, graduate students and field experts are able to participate.

(6)    At the end of the examination, the jury gives the decision of “acceptance”, “rejection” or “revision”, without having an audience in the room. The students whose theses are accepted are deemed successful. The department board informs the Institute of the decision of the jury in writing, within three days. The students whose theses are rejected and found unsatisfactory are dismissed from the University. The students who get a revision must defend the revised thesis one more time before the same jury, at most within six months. The students whose theses are found as unsatisfactory and rejected for a second time will be dismissed from the University. Upon requisition, the students who are accepted to the doctoral program with a bachelor’s degree and who are not successful in their theses are awarded with a non-thesis Master diploma, in accordance to the fourth subsection of article 17.



Finalization of the master’s thesis

ARTICLE 29 – (1) A student in the master’s program writes the results in accordance with the thesis writing rules accepted by the institute administrative board and defends his/her thesis orally in front of the jury. The student completes the thesis and presents it to his/her supervisor before the defence of the master's thesis and after the revision process in cases where the thesis needs to be revised. The supervisor submits the thesis to the institute with his/her opinion that the thesis is defensible. The institute receives the plagiarism report of the thesis and sends it to the supervisor and jury members. If a real plagiarism is detected in the data in the report, the thesis is sent to the institute administrative board to be decided together with its justification.

(2) A student enrolled in a master's program with a thesis defends her thesis orally in front of a jury.

(3) The master’s thesis jury is appointed with the proposal of the supervisor and the head of the institute department and the decision of the institute administrative board. The jury consists of three or five faculty members, one of whom is the student's supervisor and at least one of whom is from outside the higher education institution. If the jury consists of three people, the second supervisor cannot be a member of the jury.

(4) The institute sends the assignment letters to the permanent and substitute jury members, and the decision of the institute administrative board to the head of the institute department. The student is informed in writing. Theses are delivered to the jury members without delay by the students, and to those assigned from outside by post or e-mail, according to the preference of the relevant faculty member.

(5) The jury members convene within one month as of the date they receive the thesis to have the student defend it. The thesis defence consists of the presentation of the thesis study and the consecutive question-answer section. In the Faculty of Fine Arts and the State Conservatory, the thesis is evaluated based on the written text and artistic performance. The student whose thesis study is found unsuccessful and rejected is dismissed from the institute.

(6) The thesis defence is open to an audience of lecturers, graduate students and experts in the field. However, the audience cannot ask questions. After the thesis defence is completed, the jury decides whether the result is approval, refusal or revision in the absence of the audience and in absolute majority. This decision, the personal reports of the jury members, the joint report of the jury and other examination documents, if any, are submitted to the institute by the head of the institute department within three working days following the thesis defence.

 (7) If there is a proposal to change the name of the thesis with the decision of the jury during the thesis defence, the thesis name change proposal form is filled out by the jury and submitted to the institute along with other documents.

(8) The student whose thesis is found unsuccessful and rejected is dismissed from the institute.

(9) The student whose thesis resulted in revision decision defends the revised thesis in front of the same jury within three months at the latest. At the end of this period, the student who fails to stand in front of the jury for thesis defence until the end of this period or whose thesis is not approved after thesis defence again is dismissed from the institute.

(10) If the student whose thesis is rejected demands, he/she is awarded a non-thesis master's degree provided that he/she fulfils course credit load, project writing and similar requirements of an available non-thesis master's program in the same institute department.


Finalization of the doctoral thesis

ARTICLE 40 – (1) A student in the doctoral program writes the results in accordance with the thesis writing rules accepted by the institute administrative board and defends his thesis orally in front of the jury. Before the defence of the doctoral thesis/proficiency in artwork and after the corrections are made in the corrected theses, the student completes the thesis and presents it to his/her supervisor. The supervisor submits his/her opinion that the thesis is defensible and the thesis to the institute. Before the defence of the doctoral thesis, in theses for which correction is given, after the correction process, the student completes the thesis and presents it to his/her supervisor. The supervisor submits the thesis to the institute with his/her opinion that the thesis is defensible. The Institute receives the plagiarism report of the thesis and sends it to the supervisor and jury members. If real plagiarism is detected in the data in the report, the thesis is sent to the institute board of directors to be decided together with the reason.

(2) For the thesis/proficiency in arts study to be concluded, the student must have successfully passed at least three thesis monitoring committee report periods. During the doctoral thesis period, thesis monitoring reports are submitted to the institute with the cover letter of the head of the department.

(3) The doctoral thesis/art proficiency jury is formed upon the proposal of the supervisor and the institute department head and the approval of the institute administrative board. The jury consists of five faculty members, including three faculty members from the student's thesis monitoring committee and at least two of them from outside their higher education institution, including the supervisor. In addition to the main jury, three substitute jury members, one from their own institute's department and the others from outside their higher education institution, are determined. The relevant board of directors decides whether the consultant has the right to vote. If the supervisor does not have the right to vote, the jury may consist of six faculty members. In addition, the second thesis supervisor can take part in the jury without voting rights.

(4) The institute sends the assignment letters and plagiarism reports to the original and substitute jury members, and the institute administrative board sends the decision to the head of the institute's department. The student is informed in written form. Theses/proficiency in arts studies are forwarded to the jury members without delay by the students and sent to the outsiders by mail.

(5) The jury members meet within one month at the latest from the date on which the thesis/proficiency in art is delivered to them and take the student to the thesis/proficiency in art exam. The thesis/art proficiency study consists of the defence exam, the presentation of the thesis/art proficiency study, and the following question-answer section. The thesis/art proficiency study is held in an environment open to the participation of the defence exam, lecturers, graduate students, and experts in the field. However, the audience cannot ask questions. After the completion of the exam, the jury decides to accept, reject, or correct the thesis by absolute majority, in the absence of the audience. This decision, the personal reports of the jury members, the joint report of the jury, other examination documents, if any, are sent by the institute's department head to the institute within three working days following the thesis/art proficiency study defence examination.

(6) The signatures of the jury members are found on the approval page of the thesis/proficiency in arts study of the text of the accepted theses/proficiency in art studies. Those who cast negative votes sign the approval page stating that they have a negative opinion.

(7) If there is a proposal to change the name of the thesis/art proficiency work with the joint decision of the jury during the exam, the jury fills in the form regarding the proposal for the thesis/art proficiency work name change and is submitted to the institute together with the other documents.

(8) A student whose thesis/proficiency in arts is rejected as unsuccessful is dismissed from the institute.

(9) The student, whose thesis/proficiency in artwork has been decided to be corrected, defends his/her thesis/proficiency in artwork again in front of the same jury within six months at the latest. A student who does not correct and defend his thesis until the end of this period or whose thesis/proficiency in art is not accepted at the end of this defence, is dismissed from the institute.

(10) Senate principles are applied in the conditions of publication and scientific activity required for the reporting of similarity rates in the theses and for the candidate to take the defence exam.

(11) For those who have not been successful in thesis/art proficiency study among those who have been accepted to a doctorate with a bachelor's degree, a master's degree without thesis can be awarded upon request, provided that there is a non-thesis master's program in the relevant department according to the fourth paragraph of Article 35.




1. Postgraduate courses, Doctoral Thesis Defense and Qualifying exams and Thesis Monitoring Committee meetings will be held face to face. Participants from outside the institution can participate online synchronously.

2. In accordance with Articles 9-5* and Article 22-5* of the Graduate Regulations of the Council of Higher Education, the exams must be held open to the audience. In case of requesting participation as a listener, online exam must be accepted.


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