Monitoring process of thesis



From the Council of Higher Education:



Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee

Article 20 – (1) A Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee is appointed on the recommendation of the department board and approval of the Executive Council within one month after the student passes the doctoral qualifying examination.

(2)    The Thesis Monitoring Committee is comprised of three faculty members. The committee includes one member from inside the program and one member from outside the program, in addition to the thesis supervisor. In case of the appointment of a co-supervisor, the co-supervisor may attend the Committee meetings.

(3)    There may be changes in the members of the Thesis Monitoring Committee, based on the recommendation of the department board and approval of the executive council.




ARTICLE 24 – (2) In the following cases, the student is dismissed from the institute:

h) Being deemed unsuccessful twice consecutively or three times intermittently by the thesis supervisory committee at the doctoral thesis stage (the status of the student who does not submit a thesis monitoring report is detected by the thesis supervisory committee report. If the thesis monitoring report is not submitted to the institute on time or at all, the student is considered unsuccessful in thesis supervisory in the relevant semester.)

Defence of the thesis proposal

ARTICLE 39-(2) The thesis monitoring committee convenes with the participation of all members and decides with an absolute majority to accept or reject the thesis/art proficiency study proposal. When the thesis monitoring committee deems it necessary, it can give one month for correction. At the end of this period, the decision to accept or reject by absolute majority is sent to the institute by the institute department/major arts branch presidency with the form regarding the defence and amendment of the doctorate thesis/proficiency in art proposal within three working days following the end of the process, and it is decided by the institute administrative board. The student who does not bring the thesis/art proficiency study correction without a valid excuse within the specified time is considered unsuccessful and the thesis proposal is deemed to be rejected. This situation is conveyed to the institute by the institute department/article department with the doctorate thesis monitoring committee report.

(3) For the student whose thesis/proficiency in arts proposal is accepted, the thesis monitoring committee convenes at least twice a year, once between May-June and November-December during the duration of the thesis period. The student submits a written report to the committee members at least fifteen days before the meeting date. In this report, a summary of the work done so far and the work plan to be made in the next period is stated. The thesis/art proficiency study of the student is determined as successful or unsuccessful by the committee. The result is conveyed to the institute by the department head of the institute with the report of the doctoral thesis monitoring committee. If the student does not submit a report and/or does not attend the thesis monitoring committee meeting, the student is deemed unsuccessful, and this situation is conveyed to the institute by the institute department/article department with the doctoral thesis monitoring committee report. A student who is found unsuccessful two times in a row or three times intermittently by the committee is dismissed from the institute.

(4) The student whose proposal for thesis/proficiency in arts is rejected has the right to choose a new supervisor and/or thesis/art proficiency study topic. In such a case, a new thesis/art proficiency study monitoring committee is formed. The student who wants to continue the program with the same supervisor is taken to the defence of the thesis/art proficiency study proposal again within three months, and the student who changes the subject of the supervisor and thesis/proficiency in the artwork is taken to the defence of the thesis/art proficiency study proposal again within six months. The student whose thesis/art proficiency study proposal is rejected in this defence or who does not take this defence exam within the specified time is dismissed from the institute.

(5) If there is a change in the subject and/or name during the thesis/art proficiency study, the new thesis topic and/or name is submitted to the institute with the proposal of the institute department/art branch presidency by filling the relevant form with the proposal of the thesis monitoring committee and a decision is made by the institute administrative board.

(6) Thesis proposals of doctoral scholars and priority field research assistants are evaluated according to the relevant regulations and principles.

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