2022-2023 Education Year Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony
 2022-2023 Education Year Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony

Students who were entitled to graduate from Bursa Uludağ University (BUÜ) Graduate School of Health Sciences received their certificates with a ceremony.

The graduation ceremony held at Prof. Dr. Mete Cengiz Cultural Center was attended by BUÜ Vice Rector Prof. Dr. İrfan Kırıştıoğlu, Director of the Graduate School of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Gülşah Çeçener, Deans, academicians, alumni and the families.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. İrfan Kırıştıoğlu pointed out that graduate schools are educational institutions that train researchers, who are the locomotive of social development, based on programmed education, operating to give the highest level diplomas; "Whole world; expects universities to play an active role in the use of the knowledge they produce. Therefore, our Universities are not content with just mass education, but aim to find value in the use of the knowledge produced in all fields. In this direction, the increase in the number of qualified individuals receiving postgraduate education is of great importance. We wish our graduate students great success in their new lives.”

BUU Graduate School of Health Sciences Director Prof. Dr. Gülşah Çeçener, on the other hand; “Our Institute; By giving the students theoretical and practical knowledge who know their duties and responsibilities towards their country, think scientifically, respect human and patient rights, and add value to science and our country; aims to train students to be able to apply this knowledge in academic life or in other fields. More than 70 of our students continue to benefit from the 100/2000 Industry Doctorate Program, in which YÖK provides scholarships to more than 2000 PhD students in 100 priority fields, in 11 different fields. Our scholarship holders not only continue their education, but also work in a wide perspective from undergraduate education and health service delivery. The fact that we have graduates who have 100/2000 scholarships and who offer a large number of qualified scientific activities by applying for thesis awards every year is the proof of the success of this project. Our graduate, who was awarded this year's thesis award, Dr. Emin Ürkmez was also a 100/2000 scholar. In addition, two Q1 articles from our student's thesis were published before the thesis defense exam. . I congratulate our student and his advisor Prof. Dr. Hakan Biricik.”

Graduates who completed their master's and doctorate degrees in the program were handed over by their supervisors.


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