Mission & Vision


The Department of Finance; in the light of Atatürk's principles and revolutions; aims to always walk forward with firm steps in a contemporary, secular, democratic and legal context; loves his country and nation; is honest, reliable, knows how to protect national values; is bound to society and humanity with the rules of love and respect as a person equipped with a modern education; considers it his duty to keep the public interest above personal interests; has acquired the ability for research and development; loves to read, can ask questions and discuss; desires to spread the education and training he receives to the society; examines and examines financial issues regarding the needs of both the public and private sectors with an approach in the context of economics, sociology, law and politics disciplines and can derive positive results from these for the society and humanity.


The vision of the Department of Finance; Our aim is to provide a public and private sector structure that has reached the level of contemporary information societies in our country, to train financiers who are not only prone to learning and teaching economic, financial, political, sociological and legal issues in terms of developments in the domestic and world economy, but also to research, establish analytical models and ultimately understand, think, interpret and synthesize; to be an exemplary department that aims and realizes a qualified finance education; produces, transfers and contributes to information that is beneficial to the society, the country and humanity, and is an honor and happiness to be a member of.


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Create Date: 12/11/2024 4:36:50 PM
Last Modify Date: 12/11/2024 4:36:50 PM
