Course Plan-Course Load-Course Taking Rules (Student)

Department of Public Finance Undergraduate Programme is 4 years and consists of 8 semesters in total. As seen in the table below, there are 30 ECTS courses each semester, totalling 240 ECTS. Elective courses constitute 25% (60 ECTS) of the total ECTS required for graduation. 

The letters in the course codes indicate which department offers the courses. For example, MAL or MLY stands for the Department of Finance and KAM for the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. The first digit after the letters indicates which class the course belongs to, and the last digit indicates which semester it belongs to (autumn if odd, spring if even). For example, the number ‘3’ in the MAL3201 ‘Public Budget’ course indicates that this course belongs to the 3rd year, while the last number (1), being an odd number, indicates that the course is a first semester (autumn) course. Thus, it can be easily understood that this course is a 5th-semester course (There may be some exceptions, especially in elective courses. For this reason, during course selections from the automation system, attention should be paid to which class/semester a course appears as a course).

In our department, double curriculum application has been started as of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Accordingly, students enrolled in 2022-2023 will be subject to the new curriculum;

Students enrolled in 2021-2022 and previous years will continue to be subject to the curriculum of the year they enrolled.

As can be seen from the course plan, elective courses start with the 2nd year, and the elective courses of each class are different from each other (which elective courses are included in which semester can be found in the course information package).

In addition to the compulsory courses in the curriculum for our students subject to the 2021-2022 and Previous Years Curriculum to graduate from the Department of Finance;

2 belonging to the 2nd class 
4 belonging to the 3rd grade
They must be successful in 12 elective courses, 6 of which belong to the 4th year.
In addition to the compulsory courses in the curriculum for our students who enrolled in 2022-2023 and will be subject to the new curriculum to graduate from the Department of Finance;

4 belonging to the 2nd class 
4 belonging to the 3rd grade
Students must be successful in 12 elective courses, 4 of which belong to the 4th grade.
Elective courses of any class do not count towards another class. For example, a student who is subject to the 2021-2022 curriculum and is successful in 3 elective courses of the 2nd grade has taken more elective courses for the 2nd grade, and 1 extra course will not be counted towards the elective courses of the upper grades. This student will have to be successful in 4 elective courses of the 3rd grade and 6 elective courses of the 4th grade. Similarly, a student who is successful in 15 elective courses but has 3 courses instead of 4 elective courses of the 3rd year has not yet fulfilled the graduation requirement.



Our students register for courses through the automation system before the start of each semester on the dates specified in the academic calendar and on the web pages of our University.

Article 27 of Bursa Uludag University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations determines the Course Load and Course-Taking Rules. According to this

(1) Course load is the course load that the student will take each semester/year, the ECTS credit load specified in the course plan of the department or programme to which it belongs.

(2) The student performs the course-taking procedures in the automation system.

(3) Students who have to repeat or take compulsory courses from previous semesters/years for the first time must first register for these courses. Students can take classes from other university programmes provided that the equivalence is accepted by the relevant unit board in which they are enrolled. However, undergraduate students cannot take courses from associate degree programmes and associate degree students cannot take courses from undergraduate programmes.

(4) Students with a GPA below 1.80 cannot take new courses. Students in this situation can re-register for the courses of the previous years in order to raise their grades, provided that they start with the courses they have failed and do not exceed the semester ECTS load.

(5) Students;

a) For those with a GPA between 1.80-1.99, 30 ECTS,

b) For those with a GPA between 2.00-2.99, 40 ECTS,

c) For those with a GPA of 3.00 and above, 50 ECTS,

credit load of ECTS credits that the student is exempted from.

(6) A student whose course exemption is deemed appropriate may take courses from the upper semester/year up to the exempted ECTS credit load.

(7) Taking courses from the upper semester/year starts from the third semester/second year.

(8) Students enrolled in the maximum number of courses they can take and have only one course left to exceed their course load to graduate can increase their course load by one course, provided that they are enrolled in this single course. 

(9) Students who are unsuccessful in the courses are removed from the education programmes, and students who cannot take these courses in the relevant semester/year are responsible for the equivalent courses substituted.

(10) Students can register for open elective or compulsory courses by cancelling their closed elective courses on the dates specified in the academic calendar.

(11) Except for double major, minor and exchange programme students and students who have at most two courses remaining for graduation, first-formal education students are not allowed to choose courses from second-formal education and second-formal education students are not allowed to choose courses from first formal education.

(12) Students who have fulfilled their obligations for all the courses they are required to take in the curriculum programme they follow but who cannot complete the minimum ECTS credit load specified in this Regulation for graduation due to changes in their course plans must complete the missing ECTS credit loads with the course(s) they will take from the Social-Cultural Elective Pool.


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Create Date: 12/12/2024 9:57:53 PM
Last Modify Date: 12/12/2024 9:57:53 PM
