Student Application Forms

All forms have to be filled in Turkish.

From the forms given below, you can access the form related to your problem by typing the name of the form in the search bar at, download it to your computer, fill in the relevant sections, and then make your application to the relevant unit of our faculty. 

Forms Related to Graduation

Graduate Student Petition Form (For Dismissal) --> Mezun Öğrenci Dilekçe Formu (İlişik Kesme İçin)

Applying for Excess Credit at Graduation Stage --> Mezuniyet Aşamasında Fazla Kredi Başvuru

Graduate Tracking Form -->  Mezun Takip Formu

Alumni Contact Form -->  Mezun İletişim Formu

YÖKSİS Graduation Information Addition Request Form -->  YÖKSİS Mezuniyet Bilgisi Ekleme Talep Formu

Forms Related to Excuse

Excuse Examination Request Form --> Mazeret Sınavı Talep Formu

Excused Course Registration Renewal Form --> Mazeretli Ders Kaydı Yenileme Formu

Excuse Examination Request Form -->  Mazeret Sınavı Talep Formu

Students who fulfil the application requirements in Article 22 of the Bursa Uludağ University Minor Undergraduate Programme Directive should add the approved transcript (transcript report) showing the courses they have taken and their transcripts to this form and apply to the faculty document registration office with this document.

In order for the student to apply for the minor undergraduate programme, the GPA must be at least 2.50. There are other conditions other than this, please read the U.U. Minor Undergraduate Programme Directive carefully before filling out the form to get detailed information and to avoid making mistakes. 

Quotas and application periods are announced by the Rectorate of U.U. every year. Students can contact the department where they want to do minor studies in advance and find out whether the department accepts minor students and if so, what are the conditions and detailed information about the courses they will take if they are accepted from the relevant department managers.

Staj Başvuru Formu --> Internship Application Form 

Staj Onay Formu  -->Internship Approval Form 

Staj Sicil Formu --> Internship Registration Form


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