2020 Yılı Akademik Faaliyetlerimiz

Altan, T., & Eldeleklioğlu, J. (2020). Cyber-Victimization and Emotional Intelligence as the Predictor of Cyberbullying in High School Students. Elementary Education Online18(4), 2147-2147.

Eldeleklioglu, J., & Yildiz, M. (2020). Expressing Emotions, Resilience and Subjective Well-Being: An Investigation with Structural Equation Modeling. International Education Studies13(6), 48-61.

Yıldız, M., Duru, H., & Eldeleklioğlu, J. (2020). Relationship between parenting styles and multidimensional perfectionism: A meta-analysis study. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice20(4), 16-35.

Akça, F., & Şakar, Z. (2020). Investigation of teacher candidates' attitudes towards multicultural education and their focus of control according to different variables. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction12, 313-328.

Oğuz-Duran, N. (2020). Turkish Version of the Revised and Short Indebtedness Scale (ISR-S): Translation, Validity, Measurement Invariance and Reliability Studies for Turkish University Students. Studia Psychologica62(3), 198-212.

Oğuz-Duran, N., & Müslümoğlu, I. (2020). Investigation of Psychological Flourishing and Ostracism Experience Levels of Ahiskan University Students in Turkey. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences12(2),101-118.

Oğuz-Duran, N. & Çalışkan, B. (2020). Psikolojik iyi oluş, cinsiyet, mesleki kıdem ve okuldaki görev süresinin öğretmen kültürlerarası duyarlılığını yordamadaki rolleri. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi9(1), 198-218.

Demirbağ, T., & Oğuz-Duran, N. (2020). Effect of the" Thank You-T" gratitude education program (TYGEPT) on gratitude levels of Turkish elementary school teachers. Ilkogretim Online19(2), 595-611.

Oguz-Duran, N., & Demirbatir, R. E. (2020). The Mediating Role of Shyness on the Relationship between Academic Satisfaction and Flourishing among Pre-Service Music Teachers. International Education Studies13(6), 163-169.

Sivis-Cetinkaya, R. (2020). Breaching confidentiality to report students’ risk-taking behaviours to school administrators. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools30(2), 216-226.

Duru,H., Bayraktar, M., & Gültekin, F. (2020). Öğretmen adaylarının kariyer kararlarının algılanan kariyer engelleri ve kariyer geleceği açısından incelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi28(2), 613-629.

Duru, H., & Gültekin, F. (2020). Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin kariyer stresleri, kariyer uyum yetenekleri ve mentörlük arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi28(1), 328-337.

Duru, H., Sinan, F. N., Söner, O., & Gültekin, F. (2020). Mesleki Rehabilitasyon Psikolojik Danışmanlığı: Bir Derleme (Rehabilitasyon Psikolojik Danışmanlığı). Turkish Studies15(6), 4169-4190.

Yüksel, A. (2020). The Role of Perceived Social Support and Gratitude in Prediction of Student Engagement among High School Students. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları14(31), 592–606.

Belen, H., Yıldırım, M., & Belen, F. S. (2020). Influence of fear of happiness on flourishing  Mediator roles of hope agency and hope pathways. Australian Journal of Psychology, 72(2), 165–173.

Belen, H., & Barmanpek, U. (2020). Fear of Happiness and Subjective Well-being  Mediating Role of Gratitude. Turkish Studies-Educational Sciences15(3), 1561–1571.

Belen, H., & Yıldırım, M. (2020). Psychometric Analysis of Inflexibility of Happiness in Undergraduate Students  A Reliability and Validity Study. Journal of Positive Psychology  Wellbeing4(1), 69–78.



Okunma Sayısı: 1431
Eklenme Tarihi: 16.09.2022 15:32:27
Güncelleme Tarihi: 16.04.2024 12:17:22
