2020 Çalışmaları


Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Fantastic teacher questions and how to ask them. English Language Teaching Kitchen, May 2020. Available: https://eltkit.net/sayi?id=10

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Teenagers: Challenges and opportunities for teaching English. English Language Teaching Kitchen, April 2020. Available: https://eltkit.net/sayi?id=9

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Adopting a different mindset: Encouraging students to use English in the classroom. English Language Teaching Kitchen, March 2020. https://eltkit.net/sayi?id=8

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Scaffolding classroom instructions for activities: Lupin or Lockhart? English Language Teaching Kitchen, February 2020. Available: https://eltkit.net/makale?id=24

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Issues in teaching grammar. İstanbul Öğretmen Akademileri. Lisan Akademisi. Canlı Instagram Söyleyişleri [Istanbul Teacher Academies. Language Academy. Live Instagram Talks]. 5 May 2020. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ2Stnom7U8&list=PLSX2DwJyCrMWjQXOWHYBmUscB-__ntOdU  

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Classroom interaction: A treasure box for providing learning opportunities. Erciyes University ELT Student Society. Live Instagram Talk.11 May 2020. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMKad0JP6Dc&has_verified=1

 Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Genç yetişkinlere İngilizce öğretimi [Teaching English to adolescents]. Online Eğitimler, Bolu İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. [Online Training Sessions, Bolu Directorate of National Education. 15 May 2020.

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Yabancı dil öğretmenin rolleri. [The roles of foreign language teachers]. Gazi Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Mesleki Gelişim ve Araştırma Birimi. Canlı Instagram Sohbeti. [Professional Development and Research Section, Directorate of the School of Foreign Languages, Gazi University. Live Instagram Talks]. 10 July 2020. Available: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCelqWQjNPr/?igshid=xfz07selmzsb

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). Dil öğretiminde sınıfiçi etkileşim. [Classroom interaction in language teaching]. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Türkçe Öğretim Merkezi Seminerleri. [Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkish Language Teaching Centre Seminars]. 9 October 2020.

Yeşilbursa, A. (2020). From photobombing to centre stage: Prospective teachers leading change in ELT. INGED Zoom Series, 20 November 2020. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LXDPdpiJ4w

Yeşilbursa, A. & Çelik, S. (2020). Understanding reflective practice: Professional development strategies for EFL teachers, ss. 453-474. In Çelik, S. (ed.) Approaches and principles in English as a foreign language (EFL) education. (2nd edition). Vizetek.

Yeşilbursa, A. & Atak Damar, E. (2020). World Englishes and cultural contexts. In Çelik, S. & Solak, E. (eds.) World Englishes and culture in English as a foreign language (EFL) education. Vizetek.

Salihoğlu, U. M. (2020). Corpus Based and Data-Driven Language Teaching in The Catchy Trends in ELT, Eds. Görsev SÖNMEZ BORAN, Serkan GÜRKAN, Jerome C. BUSH,  Eğiten Kitap Yayıncılık, Ankara, pp.153-173

Karatepe, Ç. & Fidan, N. (2020). Attitudes Turkish vocational high school students towards slang use. International Journal of Language Academy.Vol. 9(35), pp. 271-286. http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijla.47795      

Karatepe, Ç. & Dal, T. (2020). Adaptation of Syrian Refugees into Turkish Culture: Does language proficiency in Turkish help? In Sarıkaya, E. (Ed.) (2020). Theory and Research in Social Human and Administrative Sciences. Ankara: Gece Akademi Yayınları. ISBN 978 625 724 3 67 4

Civelek, M. & Karatepe, Ç. (2020). A Case Study on EFL Teachers’ Views on Material Adaptation for Teaching Pragmatics,  Paper presented at the IVth International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL2020). 24-26 Oct 2020, Bursa, Turkey.

Çam, E. & Karatepe, Ç. (2020). A qualitative study on Metacognitive Knowledge of Turkish EFL Students about writing. Paper presented at the IVth International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL2020). 24-26 Oct 2020, Bursa, Turkey.

WUJIABUDULA A. & Karatepe, Ç. (2020). A Study of Pre-Service ELT Teachers’ Cultural Intelligence and its Relationship with Metacognitive, Cognitive, Motivational, and Behavioral Cultural Intelligence.  European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 3(2), 72-91. ISSN: 2602 - 0254 (Yayın No: 6417285) 

Salı, P. and Zıngır Gülten, A. (2020). THE ESSENCE OF A LESSON: ELT TRAINEES’ METAPHORICAL CONCEPTUALISATIONS. Paper presented at ULEAD Congress 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics. 24-26 Oct., Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.

Erdin, Y., & Salı, P. (2020). Translanguaging: Insights into its Theoretical Underpinnings and Classroom Implications. Journal of Language Research, 4(1), 1-11. Salı, P. & Gülten, A.Z. (2020, October 24–26). The essence of a lesson: ELT trainees’ metaphorical conceptualisations [Conference session]. IV. International Conference Research in Applied Linguistics, Bursa, Turkey.

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  EFL teachers’ demands and preferences on in-service training in Turkey.  International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 7(3), 945-958.

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  Private school EFL teachers’ perceptions on assessment: A case study in Turkey.  Porta Linguarum, 33, 249-264.

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020). EFL teachers’ views and needs on ın-service training as a part of professional development: A case study in Turkish context. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 9(2), 373-387. Doi: 10.14686/buefad.713100

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020). Primary and secondary level EFL teachers' use of assessment and assessment results in Turkey. Journal on English Language Teaching (JELT), 10(3), 1-11.

Özcan, E. N. & Gürsoy, E. (2020). The Representation of Culture into ELT Materials. In Intercultural Competence in ELT Ed. Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya,  Sayfa Sayısı 194, Peter Lang.

Gürsoy, E. (2020). Global issues in ELT. Ed. S. Çelik. In Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: Contemporary Issues in EFL Education, Vizetek,

Eken, E. & Gürsoy, E. (2020). Strategy training with children: Is it too good to be true? Ed. H. H. Uysal. In, political, pedagogical and research ınsights into early language education. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Gürsoy, E. (2020). Going “Glocal”: Integrating global issues into the local context of teaching EFL. The 11th International ELT Research Conference: Localizing Global Issues in ELT, 03-05 September. Online.

Özcan, E. N. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  Finding and minding the gaps for language education in Turkey: A content analysis on PhD theses in ELT programs from 2010-2020. The 11th International ELT Research Conference: Localizing Global Issues in ELT, 03-05 September. Online.

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  Turkish EFL teachers’ demands and preferences on in-service training. The 11th International ELT Research Conference: Localizing Global Issues in ELT, 03-05 September. Online.

Gürsoy, E. (2020).   Deaf or hard-of-hearing high school EFL students’ self-esteem, attitudes and perspectives on motivational orientations. ICRAL-4th International Conference On Research in Applied Linguistics. Applied Linguistics in the 21st Century: Looking Back and Moving Forward, 1-3 October, Online.

Önalan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  Investigating the effectiveness of an in-service training on

“Understanding by Design” (UbD) framework for English teachers: A case study. International Conference on Education, Technology and Science-GLOBETS 5-6 June. Online.

Gökhan, O. & Gürsoy, E. (2020).  Türkçeyi ikinci dil olarak öğrenen bireylerin konuşma kaygısının konuşma öz yeterliliklerine etkisinin incelenmesi. 6 th International Congress of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language (ICOTFL) 10-11 September, Online.


Okunma Sayısı: 2329
Eklenme Tarihi: 22.02.2021 23:32:51
Güncelleme Tarihi: 31.03.2021 14:03:10
