2019 Yılı Akademik Faaliyetlerimiz

2019 Yılı Akademik Faaliyetlerimiz

Ormancı, Ü., & Çepni, S., (2019). The relation of 6th grade science textbooks in secondary school with daily life: An example of cell. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences (MOJES), 7(4), 1-14.

Ormanci, U., & Cepni, S. (2019). A thematic review of tablet-based science education studies. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 5(1), 36-54. 

Ormancı, Ü. (2019). Investigation of pre-service teachers related to information and communication technologies skills. Online Fen Eğitimi Dergisi, 4(2), 104-116.

Ormanci, Ü., & Çepni, S. (2019). Rehberli araştırma-sorgulama yaklaşımına uygun web destekli fen materyali geliştirilmesi: Kemikler. Araştırma Temelli Etkinlik Dergisi (ATED), 9(2), 96-108.

Ormancı, Ü., & Çepni, S. (2019). Thematic analysis of conducted studies regarding preschool science education in Turkey. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 16(3), 415-439.



Okunma Sayısı: 773
Eklenme Tarihi: 5.03.2021 14:45:34
Güncelleme Tarihi: 20.10.2023 16:50:19
