Faculty of Art & Science's Building Performing Our Department's Activities
Uludag University, Turkish Language and Literature Department was founded by Prof. Dr. Coskun Ak in 1990. The department held its first graduation ceremony in 1994. Now the department has 8 Professors, 2 assoc. Professors, 5 assist. Professors, 1 dr. research assistants, 1 lecturer and 2 research assistant.
To study literature in relation to author, work and era; to show original documents that are source of the literary history and how to study them; to evaluate the literary works according to literary history, literary sociology and language; to educate students to achieve these objectives; to upbring individuals who internalised Atatürk's principles and revolutions.
The mission of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature is to enlighten individuals who are endowed with the modern knowledge in fields of language and literary history, to bring the studies of the light of international academia and contribute to common knowledge. In doing this, study the source of Turkish culture and analyse the literary works in relation to the work, author and era, review the findings. The Department of Turkish Language and Literature holds the purpose of raising modern individuals who are capable of modern thought and relay their knowledge to the next generations.
The Department of Turkish Language and Literature offers both daytime and evening education. Four-year long education programme is divided to eight terms. The first four terms are dedicated to core knowledge of Turkish language and literature while the last four terms deal with practical education.
Our undergraduate programme provide education in five major branches of the Turkish language and literature which are Old Turkish Language, Modern Turkish Language, Old Turkish Literature, Modern Turkish Literature, and Turkish Folk Literature. These branches deals with the history, grammar, sytntax and vocabulary of the Turkish language; the History of the Turkish literature between 11th and 19th centuries, the History of the Turkish literature from 19th century onwards and traditional folk literature of Turkish people.
Master and PhD studies of the department are under the authorisation of of the Uludag University Institute of Social Sciences. The objective of these programmes are educating the students in terms of academic research; thus raising new academics.
The department of Turkish Language and Literature has resumed its activities in Görükle Campus, Faculty of Science and Literature, E Bloc since 2003. The department has five smart classrooms and one meeting room andprovides access to the library of Uludag University. The Department of the Turkish Language and Literature is a participant of the Erasmus exchange programme and provides all the facilities which are required by the programme.
Most of the graduates become Turkish or Turkish Literature teachers in government elementary and high schools. In addition, they have chance to work in Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Tourism, The Association of Turkish Language and TRT. Our graduates also have the opportunity to begin an academic career.

From Classrooms of Our Department