Student Application Forms


Dear Students of the Department of  History,

We hope that you will not face any issues throughout your student life. However, if you encounter any problems, the best way to determine whether a solution exists and what actions to take is by consulting Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations. You can find this regulation, along with many other important information, on the Bursa Uludağ University Student Affairs Office's website. If, after reading the regulation, your issue persists, you should consult your academic advisor for assistance. If your problem cannot be resolved with the help of your advisor, you can escalate it to the head of the department, then to the assistant deans, and finally to the dean, in that order.

It will be beneficial for you to consult the same officials in the same order (your academic advisor, the head of the department, the assistant deans, and the dean) not only when you encounter any issues related to the regulations but also when making significant decisions during your academic journey (such as transferring between programs, freezing enrollment, or withdrawing your registration).

Faculty of Arts and Sciences


You should download the form relevant to your issue from the list below, fill the required sections, and submit your application to the appropriate office within our faculty.


According to Article 30, Paragraph 2 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulation, students who are unable to attend midterm exams due to valid reasons must fill out this form and submit it to the faculty's document registration office within 5 business days after the end of their excuse. Requests for make-up exams will be resolved by the Faculty Board.


Students who meet the application requirements outlined in Article 22 of the Bursa Uludağ University Minor Degree Program Regulation must complete this form to which they must also attach an approved transcript (grade report) showing the courses they have taken, and submit it to the faculty’s document registration Office.

To apply for the minor program, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. There are additional requirements as well, so to avoid any mistakes and to obtain detailed information, be sure to carefully read the Bursa Uludağ University Minor Degree Program Regulation before completing the application form.

Quotas and application deadlines are announced annually by the U.Ü. Rectorate. Students interested in pursuing a minor should first reach out to the department they wish to study in. They need to confirm whether the department accepts minor students, understand the specific requirements for admission, and, if accepted, gather detailed information about the courses they will be required to take from the department's administrators.


Double Major Application Form (FR 4.2.1_03)

Students who meet the application requirements specified in Articles 14 and 15 of the Bursa Uludağ University Double Major Program Regulation must complete this form and submit it along with an approved transcript to the faculty’s document registration office.

To apply for the double major program, students must have successfully completed all their credit-bearing courses and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.72. There are additional requirements, so please make sure to review the Double Major Program Regulation carefully before completing the form.

The quotas and application deadlines for the double major program are announced annually by the U. Ü. Rectorate. Students interested in pursuing a double major should reach out to the relevant department in advance to confirm whether they accept double major students. If so, they should inquire about the specific conditions and the courses they will need to complete.


Replace Course Form (FR 3.4.3_06)

Students wishing to replace courses must complete this form and submit it to their academic advisors during the course change period specified in the academic calendar. Course changes made without the advisor's knowledge cannot be processed.


Course Exemption Application Form (FR 3.4.1_12)

  • According to Article 7 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations, students who are eligible to apply for course exemptions must submit their applications to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences within 10 business days following the official registration deadline. Applications submitted after this period will not be considered. Exemption applications must be submitted to the faculty’s document registration office along with the required documents. Before completing the form, please carefully read the relevant regulation article below to understand your rights.


Make-up Exam Application Form (31st Article) (FR 4.2.1_01)

Students wishing to use the make-up exam rights granted in Article 31 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations must submit this form. Before completing the form, carefully review the relevant regulation article to understand your rights.


  1. A completed Course Exemption Application Form

  2. An official document showing the course content, credits, and hours for the courses for which exemption is requested

  3. An approved transcript (grade report)

(1) Students who were enrolled in a department or program at another university or within the same university and passed ÖSYM exams to enter the same or a different department or program, students who have transferred from another higher education institution and re-enrolled at the university, and students who have come via undergraduate transfer may request course exemptions.Students requesting course exemptions must submit their applications within 10 business days following the official registration deadline. Applications made after this period will not be considered.Exemption requests will be reviewed by the relevant department boards, taking into account the courses successfully completed at the previous institution, and decisions will be made for the entire academic program at once. However, the total credits for the courses the student is exempt from in each semester cannot exceed the regular credit load for that semester.


Additional Examination (Article 31) Application Form (FR 4.2.1_01)

Students who wish to exercise their right to an additional exam, as granted by Article 31 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations, must complete this form and submit it. Before filling out the form, please carefully read the relevant article of the regulations to understand your rights.


Leave of Absence (Suspension of Registration) Application Form (FR 3.4.1_02)

Students who wish to exercise their right to take a leave of absence, as granted by Article 19 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations, must complete this form and submit it. Before filling out the form, please carefully read the relevant article of the regulations to understand your rights.


General Request Notification Form (FR 4.2.1_32)


Intra- and Inter-University Undergraduate Transfer Application Form (FR 3.4.1_07)

According to Articles 7 and 8 of the Bursa Uludağ University Undergraduate Transfer, Double Major, and Minor Program Regulation, students can apply for undergraduate transfer. Please read the relevant regulation article carefully before completing the form to understand your rights.


Payment Refund Application Form (FR 4.2.1_31)


De-registration Form (FR 3.4.1_03)


Conditions for Diploma Issuance

The conditions for diploma issuance are explained in Article 37 of the Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations.



Read Count: 57
Create Date: 10/4/2022 11:44:55 AM
Last Modify Date: 2/17/2025 11:28:13 AM
