
12/6/2024 3:30:38 PM

Prof. Dr. Alexıs Kıvı from Hochschule für Musık Würzburg, Germany, conducted actıvıtıes ın which musıc-language-body relatıonshıp was establıshed wıthın the scope of ‘Drama ın Elementary School’ course.

Within the scope of the ‘Youth Bridge’ project carried out by Bursa Uludağ University GSE Department, Department of Music Education and Hochschule für Musik Würzburg University in Germany, seven undergraduate students and faculty member Prof. Dr. Alexis Kivi came to our university for cultural cooperation. Prof. Dr. Alexis Kivi carried out activities in which music-language-body relationship was established with undergraduate students within the scope of the ‘Drama in Elementary School’ course conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Sünnetçioğlu in the Department of Elementary Education. Evaluation studies were carried out on the importance of music and arts in elementary teacher training.








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Create Date: 12/6/2024 3:30:38 PM
Last Modify Date: 12/6/2024 3:59:19 PM
