
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture was established in 1976 and start its educational activities under the name of Bursa University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Hürriyet Tezok Campus. In its inaugural year, only the Department of General Mechanical Engineering offered education, and the following year, the Department of Textile Engineering was opened. In 1978, the Bursa University Faculty of Electrical Engineering, which was founded, commenced its educational activities concurrently with the Department of Electronic Engineering. As a result of the restructuring carried out in higher education institutions in 1982, the two faculties were merged under the name of Uludag University Faculty of Engineering. With the decision to establish the Department of Architecture in 1993, the name of the faculty was changed to "Uludag University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture."

The Department of Architecture served in the central building of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and the Environmental Engineering Department building from 1994 until January 1998 and moved to the Department of Architecture building, which was officially opened in 1997 and designed by our founding faculty members Prof. Cengiz Bayülgen and Prof. Erhan Balkan and the faculty members of the Department. Designed as a three-story building, the Department of Architecture Building consists of 3568 m² of indoor space (ground floor: 1428 m²; 1st floor: 1200 m²; attic: 940 m²) and 359 m² of open courtyard area. There are five studio units; 1 seminar hall; 1 computer laboratory; 1 student canteen, 1 janitor's room, 1 technical volume and exhibition area on the ground floor; academic and administrative staff rooms; multi-purpose hall (including social area); 2 seminar rooms on the first floor; and a free space used for seminars, workshops, exhibition activities and studio studies, material display area and archive areas on the roof floor.

Within the Faculty of Architecture, the Department of Architecture, the Department of Urban, Regional and Urban Planning, and the Department of Interior Architecture were established. The Department of Architecture started undergraduate education in the 1994-95 academic year, master's degree in the 2000-2001 academic year, and doctorate education in the 2005-2006 academic year. Since 2013, the Department of Architecture has been working within the "Faculty of Architecture".


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Create Date: 5/7/2024 6:43:39 PM
Last Modify Date: 5/7/2024 6:53:17 PM
