About Department

A Brief History

Biology Department became functional at Undergraduate level in 1983 and commenced its first Postgraduate sessions (Masters - PhD) in 1985. 

Undergraduate programs offered by the Biology Department has been accredited by FEDEK (Science, Literature, Faculty of Arts and science, Faculty of languages, History and Geography Curriculum Programs Assessment and Accreditations Association) and received the accreditation certificate on 27th of December, 2014.  

The aim of the department is to educate biologists in both practical and theoretical fields of biology in such a modern way that in the future;

  • They would later become equipped with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills
  • They would be able to perceive nature as a whole,
  • They would always look upon the nature and livings beings from the researcher’s point of view
  • By contemplating the conservation and sustainability of biodiversity, considering environmental problems universally and socially and taking ethical values of the legal consequences of these problems into the account they would become more sensitive and responsible towards these issues.
  • They would be able to easily convey the information and knowledge that they learn during the study period and present the productive solutions to the daily problems in a best conceivable manner by utilizing modern tools and techniques.


Qualification Awarded

This is a first cycle degree program with 240 ECTS credits in the science of Biology. Bachelor´s degree in Biology will be awarded upon meeting the qualification requirements and successful completion of the program.


Level of Qualification

First Cycle


Specific Admission Requirements

Prospective students must have a high school diploma or equivalent and enough scores must be taken from The Transition to Higher Education Exam and Undergraduate Placement Exam.


Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning

The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.


Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The Bachelor´s degree is awarded to those who have successfully completed all compulsory and elective courses in the curriculum (240 ECTS in total) and have obtained a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale.


Profile of The Programme

The goal of the program is train biologists who perceive the nature as a whole, notice the problems in ecological balance and are able to see the living world from the eyes of a researcher. The aim of the occupational education given in the department is to prepare the students to conduct research, perform laboratory and field studies and by this way, to support the data with literature, to be capable of presenting the results in academic environments and to have a wider point of view to come up with creative solutions to current problems. The department applies an educational program in accordance with such purposes to train biologists who can communicate with colleagues from other disciplines, follow the current applications and creating new ones and become leading individuals in education and research.


Graduation Requirements

A student must have the minimum score determined by the committee from ALES in science score type and must have an undergraduate diploma in order to apply a graduate program with or without a thesis. A student must have the minimum score determined by the committee from UDS, KPDS, TOEFL or a foreign language exam conducted by Uludag University, School of Foreign Languages in any of English, German, French, Italian, Russian or Arabic foreign languages. Equivalency of documents pertaining to other foreign languages are decided by the committee.


Mode of Study

Attendance is necessary in %70 of theoretical classes, %80 in laboratory classes. It is mandatory to register the course and maintain attendance to enter the final exam of the course. Midterms and final exams are programmed for each semester. At least one midterm and final exam is done for the courses that are in the course plan. There might be assignments and quizzes in addition to the midterm exam. A midterm average is calculated according to the rules. The effect of midterm average to the final grade is 50% and the effect of final exam should be must be at least 50%. The students who do not enter the final exam without an excuse or get lower scores than the minimum limit of the midterm are regarded as failure. Excuse examination is made for the students who cannot enter the final exam because of an excuse accepted by the administrative board. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. A letter grade showing the success of the student is determined by using the distribution, average and standard deviation of the scores obtained throughout the term. Letter grades for the courses that cannot be evaluated by the relative evaluation system are determined by the instructor opinion.

Grading System

Degree of Success

Exam Grades

Letter Grades

ECTS Grades

Numeral Grades






Very Good















Passing Grade





Conditional Passing Grade





Conditional Passing Grade


















All courses in the program must be successfully completed (240 ECTS in total) and a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale must be obtained to successfully complete the program.


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Create Date: 10/7/2019 11:35:14 PM
Last Modify Date: 10/2/2022 3:19:32 PM
