Submission Rules

Short Abstract 

Abstracts should be submitted in both Turkish and English.

The name-surname, institution and city of the authors should be clearly stated in the relevant section.

Academic titles should not be used in the names.

Font should be Times New Roman, 12 pt, single line spacing.

Only the first letters of the words in the text title should be capitalised. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

Abstracts should include Abstract, Introduction and Objective, Method, Results, Conclusion, Key Words sections.

Your abstract should be maximum 300 words.

Standard abbreviations are accepted. The first occurrence of the word is given in brackets and that abbreviation is used throughout the text.

Since the abstracts submitted via the online submission module will be converted into a digital book in the same way, attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors are responsible for all spelling mistakes.

After submitting the text, please make sure that the paper you have submitted is found (the process is completed) in the ‘submitted texts’ tab of the online submission system.

Full Text

Full texts are collected online through the system. Submissions sent via e-mail and similar means will not be accepted.

Only the first letters of the words in the text title should be capitalised. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. (Example title: Basic Skills in Basketball)

Turkish and English abstracts should be included at the beginning, followed by the long abstract.

The name-surname, institution and city of the authors should be clearly indicated. First and last names should be written in lower case except for the first letters.

Academic titles should not be used in names.

The font should be Times New Roman 12.

It should include Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion, Keywords, References sections.

The language is Turkish.

There is no word limitation. The file should not exceed 10 pages.

It may contain tables, figures, pictures.

Standard abbreviations are accepted. The first occurrence of the word is given in brackets and that abbreviation is used throughout the text.

Since the texts submitted via the online submission module will be published in the same way, attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors are responsible for all spelling mistakes.

The text should be sent as Word - .doc, .docx document. File size should be maximum 4mb (4000kb).

Full text submissions are not mandatory. It can be sent optionally.

Deadline for Full Text Submission: 30 October 2024

Oral Presentation Rules

Presentations will be made in Turkish or English.

The duration of oral presentations should not exceed 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation, 3 minutes discussion).

Presentations must be checked before the presentation time.

Poster Presentation Rules

It is important that only the most basic references are shown in the poster presentations and that all references shown in the poster presentation are shown in the footnote or in the bibliography section at the end of the poster presentation.

Institutional and contact information of all authors should be included in the poster presentations.

Authors are required to be present at the beginning of the poster presentations on the day, time and place specified for the discussion of the poster presentations.

Poster Technical Specifications

It should be prepared vertically as a PDF with a size of 70 cm (width) x 100 cm (height).

The text on the poster should be as large and legible as possible.

The information on the poster should fit on a worksheet and if necessary, the texts should be kept short accordingly, and the quality of the pictures and tables used should be high.

Deadline for Submission: 13 October 2024

Announcement of Accepted Papers: 18 October 2024


In the Özet/Abstract section for the workshop presentation, you should state the aims and outcomes of your applied work, which learning area it focuses on and which grade levels it is primarily suitable for.

The abstract should be 350-500 words including keywords.

Evaluation of Papers

Faculty members in the Scientific Committee provide support as referees in the paper evaluation processes. At least 2 referees with expertise in related fields are assigned by the Chief Referee to evaluate each paper.

The referees complete their evaluations through the paper evaluation system without seeing the names of the authors and institutions and independently of each other (blind review-blind review).

The chief referee reviews the evaluations from 2 referees and decides on ‘approval/rejection/correction’. If necessary, he/she may request an evaluation from a 3rd referee.

As a result of the evaluation, a result letter will be sent to all paper owners via e-mail.

In order for the papers to be included in the digital book, at least one of the researchers must have completed the congress registration process.

Award Evaluation Criteria

The Best Paper in each field will be selected as a result of the preliminary examination by the selection committee and the evaluation of the candidate's presentation during the congress.

The Long Abstract of the work should be uploaded to the system by the responsible author of the paper who wants to be a candidate for the award, so that a more detailed evaluation can be made.

It has been taken into consideration that the participants may want to publish their work in a scientific journal and only the long abstract / full texts of the requesting paper owners will be included in the congress proceedings book.

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