
12/19/2024 9:35:27 AM

Research and Development (R&D) Collaboration Protocol Sıgned Between Bursa Uludağ Unıversity Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Scıence, and HasTavuk Food, Agrıculture, and Lıvestock Co.

The signing ceremony for the protocol was attended by BUÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Saim Kılavuz, HasTavuk General Manager Şahin AYDEMİR, Dean of BUÜ Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. İlhan TURGUT, Head of the Department of Animal Science Prof. Dr. İbrahim AK, faculty members, and HasTavuk representatives.

The protocol was prepared to evaluate and support R&D project proposals submitted to HasTavuk by various institutions, organizations, and researchers.

Under the protocol:

  • Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Aydın İPEK, Faculty Member of BUÜ Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science.
  • R&D Activities Coordinator for HasTavuk: Product Manager and Industrial Engineer Tugay CENGİZ.

The protocol includes provisions for:

  • Organizing visits for faculty members and students to HasTavuk's R&D units (e.g., poultry houses, hatcheries, slaughterhouses, feed mills) to participate in activities and projects.
  • Providing scientific support for R&D activities in HasTavuk's facilities within a designated program framework.
  • Jointly organizing scientific events such as symposiums, congresses, and workshops.
  • Conducting analyses (e.g., feed analysis, internal and external egg quality traits) using the Department of Animal Science's laboratory facilities upon HasTavuk's request.
  • Offering internship and practical training opportunities for BUÜ Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science students.

We hope that this protocol will benefit not only both institutions but also the city of Bursa and the poultry sector in Türkiye.


Read Count: 151
Create Date: 12/19/2024 9:35:27 AM
Last Modify Date: 12/19/2024 9:35:27 AM
