
10/28/2024 9:22:29 PM

Republic Day Ceremony

Within the scope of the 101st Anniversary Celebration Ceremonies of Republic, District Governor Mr. Zafer KARAMEHMETOĞLU, Garrison Commander Mr. Tugay ŞİMŞEK, Deputy District Mayors Mr. İbrahim ALTUNTAŞ and Mr. Lütfi BAKIRDAN, Chief Public Prosecutor Mr. Enis TEKGÜL, District Director of National Education Mr. Erol ŞANLITÜRK, our School Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şekip Esat HAYBER, Secretary of the School Mr. Zeki BOZ, Assistant Director, Assist. Gör. Dr. Nebi SEREN, members of the protocol, school principals, NGO Representatives, students and citizens, wreaths were presented to the Atatürk Monument. The Wreath Presentation Ceremony ended with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem.


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Create Date: 10/28/2024 9:22:29 PM
Last Modify Date: 10/28/2024 9:22:29 PM
