
12/30/2024 4:13:04 PM

Inegol's Child Development Professionals met at the "Tell me, How did you succeed? Panel"

Bursa Uludag University, Inegöl Vocational School, Department of Child Care and Youth Services, Child Development Program organized “Tell us, How did you succeed? Panel” was held. In the panel, which was held in a very friendly and interactive atmosphere, Child Development Program students had the chance to ask the questions they prepared to their experienced teachers and fellow graduates working in the field. Within the scope of the panel; Yunus Emre Girls Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Director Fatma DOĞLAR DAĞ, Nene Hatun Girls Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Child Development and Education Field Supervisor Ülkü ÇAKAL, Child Development and Education Teachers Işıl ÖZKAN and Esra ATEŞ, Child Development and Education Teachers Sema PİROL DENİZ and Esra GÜNHAN, Child Development Graduate Students Sema PİROL DENİZ and Esra GÜNHAN shared the turning points they experienced in their professional careers, their working styles, the issues that were effective in their career planning, and their views on the field of child development with our Child Development Program students who are candidates for the profession. We would like to thank each of our educators for sharing their valuable knowledge with us. We would also like to thank Mehmet SARI, Guide Teacher of Şehit Fevzi Başaran Anatolian Imam Hatip High School and Dr. Gökhan DAYAN, Deputy Principal of İnegöl Vehbi Koç Primary School, for their support to the panel and our university. We wish all our students who participated in the panel that these valuable shares will be useful.


Read Count: 110
Create Date: 12/30/2024 4:13:04 PM
Last Modify Date: 12/30/2024 4:13:04 PM
