Application Procedure for Traineeships

The online applications for Erasmus Placement students are open between

15 January - 15 April for summer term (Earliest start of mobility: 01 June)

16 April - 15 June for fall term and full year (Earliest start of mobility: 01 September)

01 September - 30 November for spring term (Earliest start of mobility: 01 February)


Please go to and register yourself. Then, you need to fill out the necessary information and upload the documents. Here is how to do it:

  • After registration, click the program you want to apply under "Select a Program to Apply" and fill out all the details.
  • Get a print out of the application, and complete the signatures.
  • After that, click "Applications" under "My applications" and click the folder icon at the rightmost column. In the new window, you need to upload:
  1. Transcript of Records
  2. Learning Agreement for Traineeships
  3. Passport copy
  4. Application form (signed/stamped)

IMPORTANT NOTE! Please do not confuse" Erasmus Study" with "Erasmus Placement". If you are not sure about which program to apply please contact us or your local coordinator.


Nomination: All applicants must be nominated by their home universities through e-mail. We cannot accept any students whose nominations have not been sent to us.

Courses: You have to contact your respective departmental coordinator at Bursa Uludağ University before you prepare your LATs. Medical students, in particular, have to contact Prof. Dr. Gökhan Göktalay ( before preparing their LATs.

You can refer to the list of the Erasmus coordinators.

Visa: Even though most EU citizens do not need a visa to Türkiye, you have to get a visa if you are coming here as a student. Please consult the nearest Turkish mission in your country and ask about the visa procedures - after you receive your letters of acceptance. If you come without a proper visa, you may need to pay a fine to the foreigners' office.


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Create Date: 8/10/2020 3:54:00 PM
Last Modify Date: 2/1/2024 10:20:36 AM
