
11/10/2024 8:39:14 PM

we met wıth our external stakeholders

We held our regular meeting with our employer stakeholders on 25.10.2024 at Prof. Dr. M. Mete Cengiz Cultural Center to discuss the competencies of our graduates in the workplace, to evaluate the current process and to produce new projects. While Prof. Dr. Şerife VATANSEVER, Head of the Department of Coaching Education, chaired the meeting; Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Şenay ŞAHİN and Assistant Head of the Department of Coaching Educatio Assoc. Dr. Canan BASTIK SALKIM attended the meeting. Sertaç ERDEM, Branch Manager of Bursa Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, Fatih DURGUT, Director of Sports Affairs Branch of Metropolitan Municipality, Kenan DAŞTAN, Sports Manager of Nilüfer Municipality and Murat BARIN from the Directorate, Oğuz OBA, Sports Manager of Osmangazi Municipality and Burhan ÖZTÜRK from Yıldırım Municipality Sports Directorate participated. These institutions, which are the dynamics of the sports activities of our city, and the competencies of our graduate students they employ in the field of work, the guidance of expert students in the field in line with the branches they need, the internship processes of our specialization students and the protocols, and the opinions of all managers on these issues were taken. The information and ideas shared in line with the agenda items were very productive for all institution managers.
We congratulate the whole team who contributed.


Read Count: 244
Create Date: 11/10/2024 8:39:14 PM
Last Modify Date: 11/10/2024 8:55:02 PM
