About Us
Computer and Instructional Technologies Education Teaching Program continues its activities with 4 Professors, 1 Associate Professor, 1 Assistant Professor and 1 Research
Assistant Doctor. There are approximately 150 students in our program, including undergraduate students. The main purpose of the undergraduate program is; The aim is to
provide computer and instructional technologies education teacher candidates who will work at the secondary school level with basic knowledge and skills about their fields 
and teaching formation.

Lessons are held in classrooms equipped with smart boards and projections. There are two separate fully equipped laboratories for field course applications. Our students do 
internships in secondary schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education within the scope of Teaching Practice and School Experience courses.

Our graduates can work as Computer and Instructional Technologies Education Teachers at secondary school level in educational institutions affiliated with the Ministry of 
National Education. They can also continue their master's and doctoral education within the scope of the Computer and Instructional Technologies Education Department of
the Institute of Educational Sciences.




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