Doç. Dr. Çağdaş KARA






Ç. Kara, A. Orman, D. Udum, H.M. Yavuz, A. Kovanlıkaya. Effects of calcium propionate by different numbers of applications in first week postpartum of dairy cows on hypocalcemia, milk production and reproductive disorders. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8: 259–270, 2009.

A. Orman, Ç. Kara (corresponding author), E. Topal, E. Çarkungöz. Effects of supplementary nutrition in yearling Saanen kids on sexual behaviors and reproductive traits. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9 (24): 3098–3103, 2010.

B.H. Gülmez, H. Gençoğlu, H. Biricik, G. Deniz, Ç. Kara, F. Balcı, İ.İ. Türkmen. The effect of starch sources with different degradability rates on milk production and composition in lactating cows. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 4 (10): 9–14, 2010.  

Ç. Kara, A. Orman, E. Topal, E. Çarkungöz. Effects of supplementary nutrition in Awassi ewes on sexual behaviors and reproductive traits. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 4 (10): 15–21, 2010.

Ç. Kara, A. Orman, H. Gençoğlu, H.M. Yavuz. Effect of Calcium Propionate Administration in First Week Postpartum of Dairy Cows on Subclinical Ketosis. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (29): 9–13, 2010.

Ç. Kara. Use of Fructans in Dogs. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (29): 71–76, 2010.

H. Gençoğlu, H. Biricik, Ç. Kara, İ.İ. Türkmen. In Situ Ruminal Crude Protein and Starch Degradability of Some Grains and By-Product Feeds in Turkey. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 5 (15): 203–206, 2011.

H. Biricik, H. Gençoğlu, B. Bozan, B.H. Gülmez, Ç. Kara, İ.İ. Türkmen. Effects of dry corn gluten feed on digestibility parameters and milk production in lactating dairy cows. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, 4 (162): 163–170, 2011.   

Ç. Kara, A. Orman, H. Gençoğlu, A. Kovanlıkaya, Y. Meral, İ. Çetin, A. Yıbar, S. Kasap, İ. Türkmen, G. Deniz. Effects of inulin supplementation on selected faecal characteristics and health of neonatal Saanen kids sucking milk from their dams. Animal, 6 (12): 1947–1954, 2012.

Ç. Kara. Physiological and Metabolic Changes during the Transition Period and the Use of Calcium Propionate for Prevention or Treatment of Hypocalcemia and Ketosis in Periparturient Cows. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 7: 9–17, 2013.

G. Deniz, H. Gencoglu, S. S. Gezen, İ. İ. Türkmen, A. Orman, Ç. Kara. Effects of feeding corn distiller’s dried grains with solubles with and without enzyme cocktail supplementation to laying hens on performance, egg quality, selected manure parameters, and feed cost. Livestock Science, 152: 174–181, 2013.

G. Deniz, S. S. Gezen, C. Kara, H. Gencoglu, Y. Meral, E. Baser. Evaluation of Nutrient Equivalency of Microbial Phytase in Aged Laying Hens Fed Corn-Soybean or DDGS Diets. British Poultry Science, 54: 494–502, 2013.

C. Kara, Y. Meral, H, Biricik, A. Orman, H. Gencoglu, I. Cetin, D. Yesilbag, G. Deniz, I. Turkmen. Effects of short-term oligofructose-enriched inulin supplementation on growth performance and selected fecal characteristics of weanling Saanen kids. 2013 ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA. (Poster sunum)

Y. Meral, C. Kara. Geçiş Dönemindeki Süt Sığırlarında Karaciğer Yağlanması ve Kolinin Önemi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 32: 39–45, 2013.

A. Celikbilek, G. Deniz, A. Orman, H. Gencoglu, C. Kara. Effects of a Combination of Dietary Organic Acid Blend and Oregano Essential Oil (Lunacompacid® Herbex Dry) on the Performance and Clostridium perfringens Proliferation in the Ileum of Broiler Chickens. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 8: 61–69, 2014.

Cagdas Kara, Huseyin Cihan, Mutlu Temizel, Serkan Catik, Yavuz Meral, Abdulkadir Orman, Artun Yibar and Hidir Gencoglu. Effects of Supplemental Mannanoligosaccharides on Growth Performance, Faecal Characteristics and Health in Dairy Calves. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. 2015; 28: 1599-1605.

Çağdaş KARA, Yavuz MERAL, Artun YIBAR, Hakan BİRİCİK, Abdülkadir ORMAN, Gülay DENİZ, Derya YEŞİLBAĞ, İsmail ÇETİN, Hıdır GENÇOĞLU, İsmet TÜRKMEN. Effects of a Short-term Supplementation with Liquid Oligofructose-enriched Inulin on Faecal Characteristics and Selected Serum Metabolites of Healthy Saanen Kids. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 21 (5): 703-710, 2015.

Abdulkadir KESKİN, Hıdır GENÇOĞLU, Gülnaz MECİTOĞLU, İsmail ÇETİN, Çağdaş KARA, Duygu UDUM KÜÇÜKŞEN, Ebru BİLEN, Barış GÜNER, Abdulkadir ORMAN, Ahmet GÜMEN. The effects of varying levels of dietary starch on reproductive traits in lactating dairy cows. Turk J Vet Anim Sci (2016) 40: 278-287.

Z. Mecitoglu, S. Senturk, C. Kara, G. Akgul, E. Uzabacı. PREPARTUM URINE pH AS A PREDICTOR OF LEFT DISPLACEMENT OF ABOMASUM. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26 (2): 2016, Page: 320-324.

D. Yesilbag, H. Biricik, I. Cetin, C. Kara, Y. Meral, S. S. Cengiz, A. Orman and D. Udum. Effects of juniper essential oil on growth performance, some rumen protozoa, rumen fermentation and antioxidant blood enzyme parameters of growing Saanen kids. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 101 (2017) e67–e76.

Ismail CETIN, Ibrahim Ismet TURKMEN, Cagdas KARA, Abdulkadir ORMAN, Erkan SEN. Improved Lactational Performance in Dairy Cows Supplemented with Methionine or Rumen-Protected Choline During the Transition Period. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 24 (2): 289-293, 2018.

Abdülkadir Orman, G. Ülke Çalişkan, E. Mutlu Temizel, Hıdır Gençoğlu, Çağdaş Kara, Cihan Ünal. The usefulness of leptin measurements and ultrasound fat thickness for assessment of body fat reserves of Awassi lambs. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 2018, VOL. 17, NO. 3, 706–713.






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İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.357]