Prof. Dr. Hale ŞAMLI






Doktora Tezleri:

  1. “İntrastoplazmik Sperm İnjeksiyonu İle Elde Edilen Gebeliklerde  Amniyotik Hücre  Kültürü İle Fetal Kromozom Analizi.”
  2.  “Tekrarlayan Gebelik Kayıplarında Faktör V (G1691A), Protrombin (G20210A)  Ve Metilentetrahidrofolat Redüktaz (C677T) Gen Mutasyonlarının İncelenmesi.”

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler:

 A1.  Kahraman, S., K. Yakin, E. Donmez, H. Samli, M.Bahce, G. Cengiz, S. Sertyel, M. Samli, N. Imirzalioglu, “Relationship Between Granular Cytoplasm of Oocytes and Pregnancy Outcome Following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection,” Hum Reprod, 15(11), 2390-2393 (2000). (SCI, ISSN: 0268-1161)

A2. Kahraman, S., M. Bahçe, H. Samli, N. İmirzalıoğlu, K. Yakın, G. Cengiz, E. Dönmez, “Healty Births and Ongoing Pregnancies Obtained by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Patients with Advanced Maternal Age Recurrent Implantation Failure,” Hum Reprod, 15(9), 2003-2007 (2000). (SCI, ISSN: 0268-1161)

A3. Samli, H.,  M. Solak, N. Imirzalioglu, Y. Beyatli, S. Simsek, S. Kahraman, Fetal Chromosomal Analysis of Pregnancies Following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Amniotic Tissue Culture, Prenetal Diagn., 23(10), 847-850 (2003). (SCI, ISSN: 0197-3851)

A4. Kuru, I., H. Samli, A. Yücel, M.E. Bozan, S. Turkmen, M. Solak, “Hypoplastic Synpolydactyly as A New Clinical Subgroup of Synpolydactyly,” The Journal of Hand Surger, 29(6), 614-620 (2004). (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 0266-7681)

A5. Samli, H., M. Samli, M. Solak, N. Imirzalioglu, “Genetic Anomalies Detected in Patients with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia and Oligozoospermia, Arch Androl, 52(4), 263-267 (2006). (SCI, ISSN: 0148-5016)

A6. Samli, H., M. Samli, E. Yilmaz, N. Imirzalioglu, “Clinical, Andrological and Genetic Characteristics of Patients with Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens (CBAVD). Arch Androl, 52(6), 471-477 (2006). (SCI, ISSN: 0148-5016)

A7. Demir, Y., H. Samli, A. Yucel, D.M. Yilmaz, N.T. Haktanir, G. Maralcan, M. Solak, “A New Syndrome of Microtia with Mixed Type Hearing Loss, Renal Agenesis, and Multiple Skeletal Anomalies.” Am J Med Genet A, 140(7), 747-751 (2006). (SCI, ISSN: 1552-4825)

A8. Samli, H., M. Samli, M. Solak, “Natural Transmission of AZFb Y-Chromosomal Microdeletion From Father to His Three Sons.” Arch Androl, 52(6), 423-426 (2006). (SCI, ISSN: 0148-5016)

A9. Samli, H., M. Samli, A. Ozgoz, M. Solak, “Y Chromosome Microdeletion in A Case with Klinefelter’s Syndrome.” Arch Androl, 52(6), 427-431 (2006). (SCI, ISSN: 0148-5016)

A10. Samli, H., O. Dogru, A. Bukulmez, E. Yuksel, F. Ovali, M. Solak, “Relationship of Tel Hashomer Criteria and Mediterranean Fever Gene Mutations in a Cohort of Turkish Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients”, Saudi Med J, 27(12), 1822-1826 (2006). (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 0379-5284)

A11. Tuzel, E., H. Samli, I. Kuru, S. Turkmen, Y. Demir, G. Maralcan, C. Guler. “Association of Hypospadias with Hypoplastic Synpolydactyly and the Role of Hoxd13 Gene Mutations” Urology, Jul;70(1):161-4.(2007). (SCI, ISSN: 0090-4295)

A12. Tosun, M., H. Samli, Y. Arikan, M. Solak, A. Sahin, Z. Söylemez, S. Kalkan. The effects of CO2 pneumoperitoneum on the apoptotic index in the peritoneum. Adv Ther, Jul-Aug;24(4):883-9.(2007). (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 0741-238X)

A13. Yuksel S, Samli H, Colbay M, Dundar U, Acarturk G, Demir S, Koken T, Aktepe OC, Kavuncu V, Solak M. Increased serum osteoprotegerin levels associated with decreased bone mineral density in familial Mediterranean fever.Tohoku J Exp Med, 217(4):321-7, 2009 Apr. (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 0040-8727)

A14. Şamlı H., Mutlu İcduygu F, Ozgoz A, Akbulut G, Hekimler K, Imirzalioglu N. Surgery for Acute Abdomen and MEFV Mutations in Patients with FMF. Acta Reumatol Port. Jul-Sep;34(3):520-4, 2009. (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN:0303-464X)

A15. Köken R., Bükülmez A., Nadirgil Köken G., Eser B., Samli H., Demir T., Solak M.

       Double Aneuploidy: A Case of Trisomy 21 with XYY. Eur J Gen Med 2011;8(4):338-341, ISSN: 1304-3897. (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, CINAHL, EBSCO, CrossRef, EMBASE, Library Ru, TUBITAK ULAKBIM, Turkish Citation Index, TURK MEDLINE, Bioline International and Chemical Abstracts Service.)

A16. Şamlı H, Demir BÇ, Özgöz A., Atalay MA, Uncu G. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene 1154 G/A, 2578 C/A, 460 C/T, 936 C/T polymorphisms and association with recurrent pregnancy losses. Genet. Mol. Res. 11 (4): 4739-4745 (2012) (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 1676-5680)

A17. A. Özgöz, H. Şamlı, K. Hekimler, B. Orhan, F. Mutlu İçduygu, F. Aktepe, N. İmirzalıoğlu. An investigation of the effects of FGFR2 and B7-H4 polymorhisms in breast cancer. J Cancer Res Ther. 2013 Jul-Sep;9(3):370-5. doi: 10.4103/0973-1482.114434. ) (SCI EXPANDED, ISSN: 0973-1482), (impac fac. 2012- 0,761)

A18. Ceyda Icsel, Veysel T. Yilmaz, Yunus Kaya, Hale Samli, William T. A. Harrisonc and Orhan Buyukgungord. New palladium(II) and platinum(II) 5,5-diethylbarbiturate complexes with 2-phenylpyridine, 2,2’-bipyridine and 2,2’-dipyridylamine: synthesis, structures, DNA binding, molecular docking, cellular uptake, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity. Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 6880. DOI: 10.1039/c5dt00728c.(SCI, ISSN: 1477-9226(Print), 1477-9234(Electronic), 1477-9226 (Linking) Impact Factor 4.097).

A19. Deniz DİNÇEL, Sena ARDIÇLI, Bahadır SOYUDAL, Mehlika ER, Fazlı ALPAY, Hale ŞAMLI, Faruk BALCI. Analysis of FecB, BMP15 and CAST Gene Mutations in Sakiz Sheep. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 21 (4): 483-488, 2015 DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2014.12680. (SCI EXPANDED)

A20. Asuman ÖZGÖZ, Murat ŞAMLI, Deniz DİNÇEL, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Ümit İNCE, Yeşim SAĞLICAN, Faruk BALCI, Hale ŞAMLI. Association of B7-H4 gene polymorphisms in urothelial bladder cancer. Turk J Med Sci, 07.07.2016 DOI: 10.3906/sag-1603-54 (SCI EXPANDED)

A21. D. Turhan Dinçel,  S. Ardıçlı, H.Şamlı, F. Balcı. Determination the frequencies of B1, B2, B3 and E alleles of the CSN1S1 gene and its effect on milk yield and composition Saanen goat. Sout African Journal of animal science, 2016, no.46. (SCI EXPANDED).

A22. S. Ardıçlı, H. Şamlı, F. Alpay, D. Dinçel, B. Soyudal, F. Balcı. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the FABP4 gene with carcass characteristics and meat quality in Holstein bulls. Animal of Animal Science, ISSN. 2300-8733. (SCI EXPANDED)

A23. S. Ardıçlı, D. Dinçel, H. Şamlı, F. Balcı. Effects of polymorphisms at LEP, CAST, CAPN1, GHR, FABP4 and DGAT1 genes on fattening performance and carcass traits in Simmental bulls. Archives Animal Breeding, 60, 61-70. (SCI EXPANDED)

A24. Özgöz A, Hekimler Öztürk K, Yükseltürk A, Şamlı H, Başkan Z, Mutlu İçduygu F,  Bacaksız M. Genetic Variations of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer. Pathology & Oncology Research. (SCI EXP), 2017.

A25. Ardicli S, Samli H, Dincel D, Soyudal B, Balci F. Individual and combined effects of CAPN1, CAST, LEP and GHR gene polymorphisms on carcass characteristics and meat quality in Holstein bulls. Archives Animal Breeding, 6, 303-313. (SCI EXP)

A26. Ardicli S, Samli H, Dincel D, Ekiz B, Yalcintan B, Vatansever B, Balci F. Relationship of the bovine IGF1, TG, DGAT1 and MYF5 genes to meat colour, tenderness and cooking loss. Journal of Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society. Kabul. 2017. (SCI EXP)

A27. Samli H, Samli M, Vatansever B, Ardicli S, Aztopal N, Dincel D, Sahin A, Balci F.

       Paclitaxel resistance and the role of miRNAs in prostate cancer cell lines. World J Urol. 2018 Sep 22. doi: 10.1007/s00345-018-2501-6. (SCI)

A28. ARDICLI S., SOYUDAL B., SAMLI H., DİNÇEL D., BALCI F., Effect of STAT1, OLR1, CSN1S1, CSN1S2 and DGAT1 genes on milk yield and quality traits in Holstein breed, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia (R. Bras. Zootec., 47:e20170247, 2018, (SCI EXP)

A29. SOYUDAL B., ARDICLI S., SAMLI H., DİNÇEL D., BALCI F., Association of polymorphisms in the CSN2, CSN3, LGB and LALBA genes with milk production traits in Holstein cows raised in Turkey, Journal of Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2018 (Kabul-Basımda). (SCI EXP)

A30. Sena Ardicli, Hale Samli, Buse Vatansever, Bahadir Soyudal, Deniz Dincel, and Faruk Balci. Comprehensive assessment of candidate genes associated with fattening performance in Holstein–Friesian bulls, Arch. Anim. Breed., 62, 9–32, 2019. (SCI EXP)

A31. Samli M, Samli H, Gül CB, Ersoy A, Ardicli S, Balci F.  TUNEL analysis of sperm DNA fragmentation in renal transplant patients. (revizyonda) (SCI EXP)

A32. Samlı H, Samli DT, Ardıçlı S, Samlı M, Vatansever B. Evaluation of intercellular communication between normal human prostate epithelial cells and prostate cancer cell lines in co-culture model. Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 6 (2020) 71–79. DOI 10.3233/JCB-190019

A33. DİNÇEL D., ARDICLI S., ŞAMLI H., OGAN M.M., BALCI F. The effect of some enviromental factors on growth performance and fertility traits in Saanen goats, Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology (TURJAF) Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(10): 1541-1547, 2019.

A34.  ARDICLI S., SAMLI H., SOYUDAL  B., DINCEL D., BALCI F., Evaluation of Candidate Gene Effects and Environmental Factors on Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows, South African Journal of Animal Science  S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 49(2): 379-394, 2019. (SCI EXP)

A35. DINCEL D., SAMLI H., BALCI F., ARDICLI S.  Determination the effect of CSN1S1, CSN3 and AGPAT6 genes and lactation rank on physico-chemical properties of goat milk. Large Animal Reviews, 26: 167-171, 2020.

A36. DINCEL D., ARDIÇLI S., ŞAMLI H., OĞAN MM., BALCI F., Association of CSN3 and AGPAT6 gene polymorphisms with milk yield and composition in Saanen goats, Veterinarski arhiv, (Basım aşamasında).


Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler:

B1. Tuzun, C., B. Ocal, K. Mollaoglu, K. Altıntas, C. Ensari, T. Demirreller, H. Azkin, “A Case with 46,XX/46,XX,del(11)(q24).” 29th Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics, Abstracts book, p.77, Genova, Italy, May 17-20, 1997.

B2. Kahraman, S., Bahçe, M., Şamlı, H., İmirzalıoğlu, N., Cengiz, G., Yakın, K., Özden, S., Kıran, G. “On-going pregnancies and healthy births obtained by preimplantation genetic diagnosis with Ca+2/Mg+2 free medium in patients with advanced maternal age and recurrent implantation failure.” The First Congress on Contraversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Prague, Czech Republic, 28-31 October 1999.

B3. Kahraman, S., K. Yakın, E. Donmez, S. Sertyel, H. Samli, “Outcome of ICSI Cases with Centrally Located Cytoplasmic Granular Oocytes.”ASRM 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Vol 74, No:3, Suppl 1, 217-218, San Diego, California, USA, October 21-26, 2000.

B4. Kahraman, S., M. Bahce, H. Samli, N. Imirzalioglu, K. Yakin, E. Donmez, “Healthy Births and Ongoing Pregnancies Obtained by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis with Ca2+ / Mg2+ Free Medium in Patientce with Advenced Maternal Age and Reccurrent Implantation Failure.” ASRM 56th Annuual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Vol 74, No:3, Suppl 1, 174, San Diego, California, USA, October 21-26, 2000.

B5. Samli, M., E. Yilmaz, H. Samli, N. Imirzalioglu, M. Bahce, S. Kahraman, “Evaluation of Clinical and CFTR Status of Vas Deferens Agenesis in Infertile Men” 10th  International Congress of Human Genetics, Vol 9, Suppl 1, 193, Vienna, Austria May,15-19, 2001.

B6. Samli, M., C. Dincel, H. Samli, E. Yilmaz, M. Bahce, M. Solak, “Y-Chromosomal Abnormalities in Nonobstructive Azoospermic and Severe Oligozoospermik Patients”, Third Balkan Congress of Androloji,  Abstracts book, p. 31-32, Sofiya, Bulgaria, June 6-8, 2002.

B7. Samli, H., M. Solak, N. Imirzalioglu, Y. Beyatli, S. Simsek, S. Kahraman, “Fetal Chromosomal Analysis of Pregnancies Following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Amniotic Tissue Culture. ”European Human Genetics Conference, Strasbourg, France, May 25-29,2002, European J. of Human Genetics,  Vol 10, Suppl 1,  276, 2002.

B8. Samli, H., M. Şamlı, M. Solak,  N. İmirzalioglu, “Genetic Anomalies Detected in Patients with Non–Obstructive Azoospermia and Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia.” European Human Genetics Conference, Final Programme and Abstracts books, p. 131-132, Birmingham, England, May 3-6, 2003.

B9. Kuru, I., M. Solak, G. Maralcan, L. Altinel, E. Bozan, H. Samli, “Large Kindred with Autosomal Dominant Hand Anomaly: Synpolydactyly”, IX Congress of Federation of European societies for Surgery of the Hand., The J. of Hand Surgery, Vol. 28B Supplement 1, 35, 2003.

B10. Samli, H., M. Solak, M.M. Samli, “Microdeletion of the Y Chromosome in Klinefelter Syndrome: Case report”. European Journal of Human Genetics Conference 2004. Poster No: P0248, 12-15 June, Munich, Germany, 2004.

B11. Samli, H., M. Solak, M.M. Samli, A. Ozgoz, “The Evaluation of an Infertile Family with Y Chromosome Microdeletion”. European Journal of Human Genetics Conference 2004. Poster No: P0104, 12-15 June, Munich, Germany, 2004.

B12. Samli, H., M. Solak, O. Dogru, E. Yuksel, F. Ovalı, “Mutations and Fenotype/Genotype Relations in 69 FMF Patients” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference 2005. Poster No:718, 7-10 May, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.

B13. Solak, M., H. Samli, M.M. Samli, “Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis in Infertile Men” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Poster No: 626, 7-10 May, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.

 B14. Yuksel, E., M.A. Ozcan, Z. Sercan, H. Samli, F. Buyukkececo, M. Solak, M.  Sakızli, “Trisomy 8 During Therapy of Imatinib Mesylate” 5th European Cytogenetics Conference (5th ECC), Poster No: 9.88-P, 4-7 June, Madrid, Spain, 2005.

B15. Samli, H., Y. Demir, A. Yucel, M.D. Yilmaz, G. Maralcan, M. Solak, “A New Syndrome of Microtia with Mixed Type Hearing Loss, Renal Agenesis, and Multiple Skeletal Anomalies” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Cont. No: 2006-A-992, 6-9 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.

B16. Aydin Ozgur, M., H. Samli, M. Solak, H. Dilek, “Detection of P53 Gene in Breast Cancer by PCR and Enzyme Restriction and Demonstration P53 Protein in Breast Tissue with Immunohystochemistry.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Cont. No: 2006-A-991, 6-9 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.

B17. Ozgoz, A., H. Samli, M. Solak, F. Aktepe, K. Yorukoglu, “p53 Gene Mutation Analysis in Bladder Cancer.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Cont. No: 2006-A-988, 6-9 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.

B18. Fistik, T.,  B. Eser, H. Samli, S. Cevrioglu, M. Solak, “Three Cases with Gonosomal Chromosomal Anomalies” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Cont. No: 2006-A-1562, 6-9 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.

B19. Şamlı, H., Emmiler, M., Koçoğulları, C.U., Özgöz, A., Solak, M., Çekirdekçi, A. “Genetic Polymorphism in Deep Vein Thrombosis.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Poster No: P0824, 16-19 June, Nice, France, 2007.

B20. Yiğit, Ü., Bükülmez, A., Şamlı, H., Köken, R., Özgöz, A., Solak, M. “Investigating Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin Mutations and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphisms in Newborns.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, Poster No: P0878, 16-19 June, Nice, France, 2007.

B21. Eser, B., Solak, M., Fıstık, T., Bukulmez, A., Koken, R., Samli, H., Soylemez, Z. “Two cases with similar clinical symptoms but different karyotypes.” 6th European Cytogenetics Conference. 7-10 July, 2007: Istanbul, Turkey.

B22.M.Tosun, H.Şamlı, Y.Arıkan, M.Solak, D.Ali Şahin, Z. Söylemez, Serpil Kalkan. The effect of CO2 pnemoperitoneum on apoptotic index in peritoneum. International Surgical Week IFW 2007 Montreal Canada August 26-30 2007.

B23. Bukulmez, A., Samli, H., Dundar, U., Koken, R. Kavuncu, V., Solak, M. “Correlatıon Of MEFV Gene Mutations And Bone Mineral Density In Children With Familial Meditterian Fever.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P05.049, May 31 - June 3, Barcelona,  Spain, 2008.

B24. Ozbinar, A., Samli, H., Cetın, S., Fıstık, T., Ozgoz, A., Solak, M., Aydemır, T., Ozer, F. “The Investigation Of Dermatoglyphic Samples In Patients With Parkinson.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P07.038, May 31 - June 3, Barcelona,  Spain, 2008.

B25. Samli, H., Imirzalioglu, N., Koken, G., Ozgoz, A., Ceylaner, G., Ceylaner, S. “Investigating Factor V (G1691A), Prothrombin (G20210A)  And Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (C677T) Gene Polymorphisms In Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P05.061, May 31 - June 3, Barcelona,  Spain, 2008.

B26. H Samli, Toprak D., Solak M. “Prevelance of consanguineous marriage in Afyonkarahisar and its relation with the occurrence of congenital anomalies.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P10.11, May 23 - 26, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

B27. F Mutlu İçduygu, Samli H., Hekimler K., Ozgoz A., Sivaci Y., İmirzalioğlu N. “Evaluation of a case with 5p deletion syndrome.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P03.160, May 23 - 26, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

B28. H Samli, Mutlu İcduygu F., Ozgoz A., Akbulut G., Hekimler K., Imirzalioglu N. “Acute abdomen reasoned surgery frequency and MEFV mutations in the patients with FMF.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P13.14, May 23 - 26, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

B29. S Yuksel, Samli H., Colbay M., Dundar U., Acarturk G., Demir S., Koken T., Aktepe O., Kavuncu., Solak M. “The bone mineral density in patients with familial mediterranean fever.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P13.15, May 23 - 26, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

B30. H Samli, Ozgoz A., Mutlu İçduygu F., , Hekimler K., İmirzalioğlu N., Sivaci Y. ” A case with mosaic ring chromosome 18.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P03.112, May 23 - 26, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

B31. Samli,H.; Cetinkaya Demir, B.; Ozgoz, A.; Atalay, M.A.; Uncu, G. "Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms and recurrent pregnancy losses" European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Stockholm, İsveç, 2011.

B32. A. Özgöz, H. Şamlı, K. Hekimler, B. Orhan, F. Mutlu İçduygu, F. Aktepe, N. İmirzalıoğlu. “Investigating FGFR2 and B7-H4 gene polymorphisms and their effects in breast cancer.” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P06.038, May 28 - 31, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011.

B33. F. Mutlu İçduygu, H. Şamlı, T. Evrensel, A. Özgöz, K. Hekimler, M. Canhoroz, N. İmirzalıoğlu. “The influence of MDR1 gene C3435T, T1236C, G2677T/A, A2956G polymorphisms on breast cancer development risk” European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, P06.039, May 28 - 31, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011.

B34. H. Samli, M. Samli, A. Sahin, U. Ince, F. Balci, Y. Saglican. “Expression of B7-H4 gene polimorphisms in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder”. European Journal of Human Genetics Conference, 2013-A-1476-ESHG, Jun  8- 11, Paris, France, 2013.

B35. Asuman Özgöz, Hale Şamlı, Ayşegül Bacaksız, Kuyaş Hekimler Öztürk, Fadime Mutlu İçduygu, Necat İmirzalıoğlu. “FGFR2 gene in breast cancer.” International Science and Technology Conference (ISTEC 2013), 25-28 June, Rome, Italy, 2013.

B36. M. Samli, H. Samli, CB. Gul, A. Ersoy, S. Ardıçlı, F. Balcı. “TUNEL analysis of sperm DNA fragmentation in renal transplant patients”. American Urological Association (AUA) 2014 Annual Meeting, 16-21 May, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2014.

B37. Asuman ÖZGÖZ, Hale ŞAMLI, Murat ŞAMLI, Deniz DİNÇEL, Ümit İNCE, Ahmet ŞAHİN. “FGFR1 SER777 mutation and bladder cancer.” 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS & WORKSHOP of FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY, Ankara-TÜRKİYE, November 29-30, 2014. (Sözlü sunum).

B38. Ersoy A., Samli H., Gul CB., Samli M., Ardicli S., Balci F. “The effects of calcıneurın ınhıbıtors on sperm dna fragmentatıon ın male kıdney transplant recıpıents.” 52nd ERA-EDTA Congress, London, United Kingdom, 2015 May 28-31.

B39. Samli MM., Samli H., Vatansever B., Aztopal N., Dincel D., Sahin, A., Balci F. “Effect of Paclitaxel on miRNA expression in prostate cancer.” The 13th International Congress of Human Genetics Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2016 April 03-07.

B40. Samli H., Samli MM., Aztopal N., Vatansever B., Sıgva O., Dincel D., Gunduz C. “Cytotoxic effects Palladium (II) complex on prostate cancer cells.” The 13th International Congress of Human Genetics Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2016 April 03-07.




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İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.825]