Prof. Dr. Serdal DİKMEN





Doktora Tezi :
Karacabey ve Tahirova Tarım İşletmelerindeki Holştayn Sürülerindeki Süt Verimi tönünden Damızlık Değerinin Tespitinde en iyi Doğrusal Yansız Tahmin Metodunun Uygulanması, Bursa, U.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004.



S. DİKMEN, H. ÜSTÜNER, A. ORMAN. The Effect of Body Weight in a Hot Environment on Some Welfare Indicators in Feedlot Cattle. International Journal of Biometeorology. 56(2):297-303. DOI 10.1007/s00484-011-0433-6,  2012.

S. DİKMEN, D. NULL, J.J. COLE, P. J. HANSEN. Heritability of body temperature and genetic correlations with production traits in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 95(6):3401- 3405, 2012.

M. PETEK, S. DIKMEN, M. OĞAN. Performance analysis of two stage pad cooling system in broiler houses. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 36(1): 21-26, 2012

S. DİKMEN, A. ORMAN, H. ÜSTÜNER. The Effect of Shearing in a Hot Environment on Some Welfare Indicators in Awassi Lambs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43(7): 1327-1335. DOI: 10.1007/s11250-011-9859-4,  2011.

H.ÜSTÜNER, S.DİKMEN, İ. Türkmen. Effects of processing on the fattening performance and carcass traits of Awassi ram lambs. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,7(12):1331-1339, 2012. DOI: 10.3923/ajava

ORMAN, A., CALISKAN, G.U., DİKMEN, S. The assessment of carcass traits of Awassi lambs by real-time ultrasound at different body weights and sexes. Journal of Animal Science, 88: 3428-3438, 2010

M. PETEK, A. ORMAN, S. DİKMEN, F. ALPAY. Physical chick parameters and effects on growth performance in broiler. Archiv Fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding, 53(1); 108-115, 2010.

M. PETEK, A. ORMAN, S. DİKMEN, F. ALPAY. Relations between Day-old Chick Length and Body Weight in Broiler, Quail and Layer. U.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 1:1-6, 2009.

S. DİKMEN, H. BASPINAR. Genetic parameters and breeding values of milk yield of Holstein cows in western Turkey. Indian Veterinary Journal, 86(7):687-691, 2009.

S. DİKMEN, P.J. HANSEN. Is the temperature–humidity index (THI) the best indicator of heat stress in lactating dairy cows in a subtropical environment?  Journal of Dairy Science, 92:109-116, 2009.

S. DIKMEN, H. USTUNER, I.I. TURKMEN, M. OGAN. Fattening performance and feed source preference of native Awassi lambs fed individually in a cafeteria feeding system. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 41:485-491. DOI 10.1007/s11250-008-9212-8, 2009.

Ö. ELMAZ, O.A. AKSOY, A. ZONTURLU, S. DİKMEN. The determination of growth performance and some morphological characteristics effective on development curves of German Shepherd puppies during the suckling period. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 11( 4): 361-364, 2008. (Short Communication)

N. GÜNEŞ, C. AYDIN, D. UDUM, S. DİKMEN, O. OZMEN. Erythrocyte potassium, sodium and glutathione concentrations and their relationship with reproduction, body weight and fleece weight traits in Awassi sheep. Arch. Tierz. Dummerstorf, 51(5): 479-486, 2008.

S. DİKMEN, O. ELMAZ, O.A. AKSOY. The effects of some environmental factors on the body size measurements of Belgian Malinois puppies. Indian Veterinary Journal, 85:971-972, 2008.

S. DİKMEN, E. ALAVA E. PONTES, J.M. FEAR, B.Y. DIKMEN, T.A. OLSON, P.J. HANSEN. Differences in thermoregulatory ability between slick-haired and wild-type lactating Holstein cows in response to acute heat stress. Journal of Dairy Science, 91:1-8, 2008.

A. ORMAN, G.U. CALISKAN, S. DIKMEN, H. USTUNER, M. OGAN, C. CALISKAN. The assessment of carcass composition of Awassi male lambs by real-time ultrasound at two different liveweights. Meat Science, 80(4): 1031-1036, 2008.

DİKMEN, S., O. ELMAZ, O.A. AKSOY. Correlation between liveweight and body size measurements of Belgian Malinois puppies. Indian Veterinary Journal, 85:37-40, 2008.

ELMAZ, Ö., S. DİKMEN, Ü. CİRİT, H. DEMİR. Prediction of postpubertal reproductive potential according to prepubertal body weight, testicular size, and testosterone concentration using multiple regression analysis in Kıvırcık lambs. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 32(5):335-343, 2008.

S. DIKMEN, I.I. TURKMEN, H. USTUNER, F. ALPAY, F. BALCI, M. PETEK, M. OGAN. Effect of weaning system on lamb growth and commercial milk production of Awassi dairy sheep. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 52 (3): 70-76, 2007.

F. BALCI, S. DIKMEN, H. GENCOGLU, A. ORMAN, I.I. TURKMEN, H. BIRICIK.The effect of fibrolytic exogenous enzyme on fattening performance of steers. Bulgarian Jounal of Veterinary Medicine  10 (2): 113-118, 2007.

S. DİKMEN, F. ALPAY, M. PETEK. Growth performance of rock partridge (Alectoris graeca) under intensive conditions. Poultry Science, 86 (Supplement: 1): 748, 2007.

PETEK, M., S. DİKMEN. The effects of prestorage incubation and length of storage of broiler breeders eggs on hatchability and subsequent growth performance of progeny. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 51 (2): 73-77, 2006.

M. PETEK, S. DİKMEN. The effects of pre-storage incubation on hatching success of poultry and game bird eggs. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews, 16(1): 63-64, 2005.

M. PETEK, S. DİKMEN. The Effects of prestorage incubation of quail breeder eggs on hatchability and subsequent growth performance of progeny. Animal Research, 53: 527-534, 2004.

M. PETEK, F. BALCI, H. BAŞPINAR, M. OĞAN, S. DİKMEN. Bir ticari tavuk sürüsünde bacak uzunluğunun bazı yumurta verim özellikleri üzerine etkileri. U.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19 (3) : 129-134, 2000.





S. DIKMEN, A. ORMAN, H. USTUNER, M. OGAN. Relationship between body measurements and milk yield and a method to predict the milk producti on of Saanen goats. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting, 11-15 Temmuz 2010, Denver, CO - ABD


H. USTUNERS. DIKMEN, I.I. TURKMEN, The effect of processing type of feedstuff on the fatt ening performance of Awassi ram lambs. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting, 11-15 Temmuz 2010, Denver, CO – ABD


M. PETEK ve S. DİKMEN. Farklı tür kanatlı yumurtalarında depolama öncesi ön ısıtmanın kuluçka sonuçları üzerine etkisi. I. Ulusal Veteriner Zootekni  Kongresi, 30 Eylül – 2 Ekim 2004, Elazığ. pp. 7, 2004.


DİKMEN B.Y., S. DİKMEN.  The effects of egg shape index on incubation results of layer breeders.    International Poultry Scientific Forum, 21-22 Ocak 2008 Atlanta, GA. (Sözlü bildiri)


M. PETEK, A. ORMAN, F. ALPAY, S. DİKMEN. Chick quality assesment: Visual scoring or chick length? International Poultry Scientific Forum,  21-22 Ocak 2008, Atlanta, GA. (Sözlü bildiri)


M. Petek, F. Alpay, S. Dikmen. Effects of packaging treatment, storage condition and length of storage period on external and internal table egg quality. SAFOODNET 1st Open Seminar, 22-23 Ocak 2007, Espoo, Finland. (Sözlü bildiri)


Ö. Elmaz, O.A. Aksoy, S. Dikmen, A. Zonturlu. Growth performance, survival ratio and body measurements until weaning age of German shepherd dog. 31st World Small Animal Veterinary Congress, 11-14 Ekim 2006, Prague, Çekoslavakya. (Poster Bildiri)


S. DİKMEN, P.J. HANSEN. 2008. Is the Temperature–Humidity Index (THI) the Best Indicator of Heat Stress in Lactating Dairy Cows in a Subtropical Environment?  ADSA-ASAS Annual Joint meeting, 7-11 Temmuz 2008, İndianapolis, IN. (Sözlü bildiri)


S. DİKMEN, E. ALAVA, E. PONTES, J.M. FEAR, B.Y. DIKMEN, T.A. OLSON, P.J. HANSEN. 2008. Differences in Thermoregulatory Ability between Slick and Normal–Haired Lactating Holstein Cows in Response to Acute Heat Stress. ADSA-ASAS Annual Joint meeting, 7-11 Temmuz 2008, İndianapolis, IN.  (Sözlü bildiri)




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İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.527]