Prof. Dr. Recep ÇIBIK






Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:


1) Çıbık R., Lepage E., Tailliez P. Molecular diversity of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Leuconostoc citreum isolated from traditional french cheeses as revealed by RAPD fingerprinting, 16s rDNA sequencing and 16s rDNA fragment amplification, Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 23 (2): 267-278, 2000.           

2) Çıbık R., Chapot-Chartier M-P., Autolysis of dairy leuconostocs and detection of peptidoglycan hydrolases by renaturing SDS-PAGE, Journal of Applied Microbiology 89 (5): 862-869, 2000.          

3) Çıbık R., Tailliez P., Langella P., Chapot-Chartier M-P., Identification of mur, an atypical peptidoglycan hydrolase derived from Leuconostoc citreum, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (2): 858-864, 2001. 

4) Matte-Tailliez O., Quenee P., Çıbık R., van Opstal J., Dessevre F., Firmesse O., Tailliez P., Detection and identification of lactic acid bacteria in milk and industrial starter culture with fluorescently labeled rRNA-targeted peptide nucleic acid probes, Lait 81 (1-2): 237-248, 2001.               

5) Cetinkaya F., Çıbık R., Soyutemiz G. E., Ozakin C., Prevalence of Listeria spp. in chicken at the retail level. Indian Veterinary Journal 81. : 1313-1316, 2004.              

6) Çıbık R., Chapot-Chartier M-P., Characterisation of Autolytic Enzymes in Lactobacillus pentosus. Letters in Applied Microbiology 38 : 459-463, 2004.           

7) Çıbık R., Marcille F., Cortier G., Dore J., La Flore Intestinal: Mise en place, description et influence du mode d’alimentation. Archive de Pediatrie 11. 573-575. 2004.          

8) Cetinkaya F, Cibik R Rapid evaluation of bacteriolysis of Listeria innocua and L. welshimeri strains isolated from foods Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29 (4): 1045-1048 2005  

9) Oruc, HH Cibik, R Yilmaz, E, Et Al. Fate of Aflatoxin M-1 in Kashar Cheese. Journal of Food Safety Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Pages: 82-90, 2006 

10) Cibik R., ß-galactosidase activity of Leuconostocs, Indian Veterinary Journal 82. : 169-171, 2005.

11) Cibik R, Cetinkaya F, Gunes N, et al. Autolysis of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from food and clinical specimens Medycyna Weterynaryjna 62 (11): 1242-1244 NOV 2006

12) Oruc HH, Çıbık R, Yilmaz E, et al. Distribution and stability of aflatoxin M-1 during processing and ripening of traditional white pickled cheese Food Addit. Contaminants 23 (2): 190-195 FEB 2006 

13) Petek, M Yilmaz, E, Çıbık, R  Effect of First Feed Intake Time On Broiler Performance and Carcass Traits, Journal of Applied Animal Research Volume: 32 Pages: 203-206, 2007

14) Aydin C, Petek M, Çıbık R. Effect of recessive colour mutation on haematological characteristics of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Arch. Fur Geflugelkunde. 72:4, 164-167, 2008.

15) Cetinkaya F, Cibik R. Soyutemiz Ge, Ozakin C, Kayali R, Levent B. Shigella And Salmonella Contamination İn Various Foodstuffs İn Turkey. Food Control, 19 11, 1059-1063, 2008.

16) Gunes N, Çıbık R, Gunes ME, Aydın L. Erythromycin residue in honey from the Southern Marmara region of Turkey. Food Addit. Contaminants 25: 11, 1313-1317, 2008.

17) Petek, M. Gezen S.S, Alpay, F. Çıbık, R. Effects of non-feed removel molting methods on egg quality traits in commercial brown egg laying hens in Turkey. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 40:413-417, 2008              

18) Petek M, Alpay F, Gezen SS, Çıbık R. Effects of Housing System and Age on Early Stage Egg Production and Quality in Commercial Laying Hens. Kafkas Üniv.Vet. Fak.Derg. 15 (1):57-62. 2009.

19) Gunes ME, Gunes N, Çıbık R. Oxytetracycline And Sulphonamide Residues Analysis of Honey Samples From Southern Marmara Region In Turkey. Bulg. J. Agricul. Sci. 15: 2 163-167, 2009.  

20) Çıbık R, Cetinkaya F, Ersoy M, Yıbar A. Identification and Technological Characterization of Lactococcus isolated from traditional turkish cheeses. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, 161:11,509-514, 2010       

21) Petek M, Çıbık R. Yıldız H. Sonat FA. Gezen ŞŞ. Orman A. Aydın C. The influence of different lighting programs, stocking density and litter amounts on the welfare and productivity traits of a commercial broler line. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika,51:73, 36-43, 2010

22) Büyükyörük S. Çıbık R. Cetinkaya F. Soyutemiz GE. Goksoy EO. Kırkan S. Isolation, phenotypic and molecular identification of Lactococcus lactis isolates from traditionally produced village cheeses. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9:16, 2154-2158, 2010           

23) Soysal D. Çıbık R. Aydın C. Ak İ. Comparison of conventional and organic management conditions on growth performance, carcass characteristics and hematological parameters in Karacabey Merino and Kivircik sheep breeds. Tropical Animal Health and Productions 2011     

24) Cetinkaya, F.,  N. Coplu, H. Simsek, T. Elal Mus, R. Çıbık. 2012. Antibiotic susceptibility of Lactococcus isolated from Turkish raw milk cheeses. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 68 (1), 49-53, 2012.        

25. Cetinkaya F., Elal Mus T., Cibik R., et al. Assessment of microbiological quality of cig kofte (raw consumed spiced meatball): Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella Food Control, 26:1   Pages: 15-18,   2012.


Anasayfaya Dön

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.141]