Head of Department
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Remote Sensing, Radar Signal Processing, SAR/ISAR/GPR Imaging, Machine Learning, and Optimization Algorithms
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 323
Tel.: (224) 29 42018
Email: enesyigit@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Telecommunications
Spectrum Analysis, Detection and Estimation Theory, Statistical Signal Processing
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 324
Tel.: (224) 29 42012
Email: dilaver@uludag.edu.tr
Head of the Telecommunications Department
Department of Telecommunications
Wireless Communication, Parameter Estimation, MIMO Systems, Space-Time Coding
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 523
Tel.: (224) 29 42013
Email: tertas@uludag.edu.tr
Head of the Electrical Machines Department
Theory and Design of Electrical Machines, Electric Motor Drives, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning Applications
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 316
Tel.: (224) 29 42019
Email: hsnogay@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Circuits and Systems
Algorithms, Circuits and Systems, Software
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 311
Tel.: (224) 29 40905
Email: fahriv@uludag.edu.tr
Web: http://www.fahriv.com , http://fahriv.home.uludag.edu.tr/
Head of the Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques Department
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Electromagnetic Diffraction and Scattering, Antennas and Propagation, Satellite Communication Systems, Optics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 539
Tel.: (224) 29 42023
Email: uyalcin@uludag.edu.tr
Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Electronics Department
Department of Electronics
Optics and Photonics, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Sensors
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 315
Tel.: (224) 27 55262
Email: umutaydemir@uludag.edu.tr
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Telecommunications
Smart Reflective Surfaces (RIS), Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN), Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Interference Alignment (IA), Cooperative Communications and Relay Networks
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 543
Tel.: (224) 27 55253
Email: basgumus@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Circuits and Systems
Biosensors, Electrophysiology, DNA and Protein Sensing, Voltage Gated Ion Channels, Integrated Optical Waveguides, Photonics, Atomic Layer Deposition, Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 307
Tel.: (224) 27 55255
Email: mustafademirtas@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Telecommunications
Audio Processing, Speaker Recognition, Forensic Applications of Audio Processing
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 524
Tel.: (224) 29 42017
Email: fertas@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Optical Fibers, Distributed Sensing Systems, System Modeling, Electronic Sensors, Electronics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 304
Tel.: (224) 29 42791
Email: agunday@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Photonics, Photonic Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, Optoelectronic Materials, Artificial Intelligence
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 320
Tel.: (224) 29 42103
Email: sehayber@uludag.edu.tr
Head of Control and Command Systems Department
Department of Telecommunications
Optical Fiber Communication Systems, Nonlinear Phenomena in Optical Fibers, Communication Networks, Optical Sensors
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 306
Tel.: (224) 29 42095
Email: ekarlik@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Electromagnetic Fields, Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics, Microwave Imaging
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 321
Tel.: (224) 29 42020
Email: esinoz@uludag.edu.tr
Head of Circuits and Systems Department
Department of Circuits and Systems
Nonlinear Systems, Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems, Artificial Neural Networks
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 540
Tel.: (224) 29 40650
Email: neyir@uludag.edu.tr
Head of Electrical Installations Department
Electrical Installations Department
Determination of Energy Quality Problems in Power Systems, Computer Aided Design and Modeling of Power Systems, Reactive Power Compensation
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 322
Tel.: (224) 29 40769
Email: muratuyar@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Microwave, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Numerical Analysis
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 309
Tel.: (224) 29 42031
Email: sguler@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Circuits and Systems
Estimation Theory, Signal Processing, Machine Learning
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 308
Tel.: (224) 29 42032
Email: ersen@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Applied Electromagnetics, Antennas and Phased Arrays, Microwave, Metamaterials and Surfaces, Nano-Bio Electronics/Optics-Photonics/Mechanics/Fluids, Semiconductors and Nanomaterials, Energy
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 521
Tel.: (224) 29 42025
Email: enveradas@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Electronic Circuit Elements, Electronic Circuits and Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 108
Tel.: (224) 29 42022
Email: ozuturk@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electrical Installations
Fibre-spectroscopic cancer diagnostics, Laser (Fluorescence, Raman, FTIR, UV-Vis) Spectroscopy, Elastic scattering spectroscopy, biomedical optics, optical fibres, photonics, energy
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 520
Tel.: (224) 29 41972
Email: omerkaraborklu@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Telecommunications
Communication Networks and Protocols, Wireless Communication, Teletraffic Engineering and Telecommunication Quality of Service Control, Multimedia Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 510
Tel.: (224) 29 41908
Email: kocyigit@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Electromagnetic Scattering, Asymptotic Methods, Microwave Antennas
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 533
Tel.: (224) 29 42021
Email: kurtuldu@uludag.edu.tr
Elektrik Tesisleri Ana Bilim Dalı
Microwave Heating, Numerical Methods in Electomagnetics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 518
Tel.: (224) 29 42153
Email: osule@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Optics, Optoelectronics, Nanotechnology
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 526
Tel.: (224) 29 42030
Email: itekin@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Software, Medical Electronics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 517
Tel.: (224) 29 42029
Email: yenikaya@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Automatic Control, System Recognition, Adaptive Control, Adaptive Filter Applications, Numerical Analysis
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 536
Tel.: (224) 29 42027
Email: metinh@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Telecommunications
Soliton fibre optic communication, Electromagnetic compatibility, Numerical analysis
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 514
Tel.: (224) 29 42074
Email: abdullahaksoy@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
Electromagnetic, Microwave and antenna technologies
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 534
Tel.: (224) 27 55457
Email: seymaatici@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Circuits and Systems
Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Autonomy, LLM/AGI
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 512
Tel.: (224) 27 55455
Email: nurullahayvalik@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Micro/Nano/Opto-Electronics, Semiconductor Technologies, Biosensors
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 544
Tel.: (224) 29 41906
Email: suleyapici@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Telecommunications
Estimation theory, Sensor technologies
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 514
Tel.: (224) 27 55252
Email: ahmetdemir@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 537
Tel.: (224) 29 42004
Email: feyzanurdemir@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Optoelectronics, Photonics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 512
Tel.: (224) 27 55456
Email: ahmetdurmaz@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 537
Tel.: (224) 27 55274
Email: suedaguzelbakan@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 544
Tel.: (224) 27 55269
Email: kubrakilincarslan@uludag.edu.tr
Department of Electronics
Electronics, Optoelectronics, Sensor Technologies
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 534
Tel.: (224) 27 55254
Email: eyzeydan@uludag.edu.tr
Academic staff are listed alphabetically by title and surname.