Milk And Dairy Products Technology


Click for General Description and Curriculum

It has been aimed that the students will be graduated from our programme, ought to be educated and trained as qualified technical staffs who are able to follow the innovations in their specializations, have trained operatively due to collaboration in education between university and industry and have ethical values belonging to their profession and society. 

In addition to training and education of qualified medium level technical staff in our programme, the graduates ought to be adaptive to the rapid development of our country and region, compatible to team work in the industry and have competency as technically and scientifically. 

The education in our programme has been continued since 1996. Our region is one of the most significant centres of our country in terms of agriculture and animal husbandry. Our programme has additional significance for the dairy industry through large amount of milk in our country has been producing and processing in this region. As SUTAS Dairy Company at first, most of the dairy and food plants have been established and continued to production in this region. It has signed the collaboration protocol in education between SUTAS Dairy Company and UUKVS on 1996. In the frame of this protocol on collaboration in education, students from our programme have been educated and trained in SUTAS plants, practically. In addition, unreturned scholarships from SUTAS have been given to successful students to support vocational education and foreign language learning.
There is dual education system in our program as day time session (09:00 AM to 17:00 PM) and evening session (17:00 PM to 22:00 PM). Our students have to complete 30 week days practical training period in food plants or laboratories before gradution. 
Our programme has two aggrements with KOLD COLLEGE which is one of the distinguished educational institutions of Denmark, located in Odense City. These aggrements are ERASMUS bilateral aggrement and the aggrement of collaboration in education, signed in 2012. In the frame of these aggrements, mobilities for practical training and teaching staff are able to do.
Our graduates are able to work in laboratories and production units of private and governmental sectors. 
Our graduates can pass to the departments as Food Enginnering, Nutrition, Chemistry and Agriculture of the related faculties.
The students from our programme are able to graduate with title “dairy technician” and pre-bachelor degree. 

Academic Staff
Inst.Dr. Gamze DÜVEN (Head of Programme)
Inst.Dr. Özge ARDIÇLI 


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