The main mission of the Department of Internal Medicine is education, research and clinical services; The main responsibility of the department is to educate students on disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Internal Medicine Clinic; It is divided into two subgroups as Large Animal and Small Animal Clinics. In order for the students to be well educated, mobile clinical practices and internal and external clinical studies are organized.
Students begin with the "Introduction to Internal Medicine" course, followed by "Internal Medicine of Large Animals", "Internal Medicine of Small Animals" and "Forensic Medicine". These are vocational compulsory courses for students, and students are prepared for clinical studies with these courses. In this process, they have the opportunity to solve problems, gather information and apply the knowledge they have gained in the clinical and farm environment.
Students who choose Farm Animal Medicine and Breeding or Small Animal Medicine group in their last year can also attend specific elective courses for animal species.
The main studies on Small Animal Medicine are related to gastroenterology and urinary system, hematology, cardiology, endocrinology, endotoxemia and endotoxemic shock, dermatology, ehrlichiosis and leishmaniosis, infectious diseases, animal psychology and exotic animals. In Large Animal Medicine, studies are carried out on digestive system, metabolism, BIV, BLV, sheep-goat plague, infectious diseases such as listeriosis, neonatal diseases and respiratory and digestive system diseases in horses in ruminants. To date, six doctoral students have completed their studies.
The Internal Diseases Clinic, which provides services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, provides clinical services to approximately 2500 patients per year. Most of the patients brought to the Internal Diseases Clinic or referred by general practitioners consist of dogs, cats, and an increasing number of exotic pet animals in recent years. In addition to large animals brought to the clinic, services are provided within the scope of mobile clinic and on-call system. Critically ill patients are cared for in the hospitalization unit.
The Department of Internal Medicine works with veterinarians on advanced diagnostic techniques and treatment options for complex diseases, and also organizes courses and congresses based on the principle of lifelong continuous education. The Department has close relations with the İzmir Natural Life Park, Karacabey Agricultural Enterprise, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Jockey Club of Turkey.
Analyzes are performed for all animal species in the Central Laboratory of the Department of Internal Medicine. In our laboratory, there are hemogram, biochemical, hormone analysis devices, as well as blood gas, cytological examination and many other rapid analysis test kits.