Assist. Prof. Dr. Sibel BALI


Department: Economic Policy

Contact Information:

Tel: 0224 294 41 154




BA: Uludağ University

Master’s: Uludağ University

PhD: Uludağ University


Academic Career

Assistant Professor: 2017 - ...

Research Assistant (PhD) : 2013 - 2017

Research Assistant : 2002- 2013




BALI  Sibel, Kadir Y. ERYIGIT, and Ercan DULGEROGLU.(2015) "Local financial development and capital accumulations: Evidence from Turkey." Panoeconomicus, Vol 62, No. 3, 339-360.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT and Ufuk SELEN. (2012). “The Long-run Linkages between Education, Health, Defence Expenditures, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol 23, No.6, 559-574.

BALI Sibel. (2010). “Financial Development and Institutions: A Literature Review”, Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.2, 111-122.

Book Chapters

BALI Sibel  and Ercan Dulgeroglu. (2015). "How to Measure the Level of Financial Development." In Handbook of Research on Strategic Developments and Regulatory Practice in Global Finance, ed. Özlem Olgu, Hasan Dinçer and Ümit Hacıoğlu, 260-286 (2015), (accessed October 28, 2016).

ERYIGIT Kadir Y. and Sibel BALI (2015). "Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey." In Handbook of Research on Strategic Developments and Regulatory Practice in Global Finance, ed. Özlem Olgu, Hasan Dinçer and Ümit Hacıoğlu, 331-348, (accessed October 28, 2016).

BALI Sibel.(2016).  "Does Trust Matter for Foreign Direct Investment Decisions?." In Ethical and Social Perspectives on Global Business Interaction in Emerging Markets,ed. Minwir Al-Shammari and Hatem Masri, 224-239 ,( accessed October 28, 2016).

BALI Sibel. (2017). "Comparison of Input and Output Indicators in Measuring Human Capital: An Analysis at Provincial Level for Turkey." In Emerging Trends in the Development and Application of Composite Indicators, ed. Veljko Jeremic, Zoran Radojicic and Marina Dobrota, 223-247,(accessed October 28, 2016).



BALI Sibel. (2016). “Kurumsal Kalite ve Girişimcilik: Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi”.“1. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Konferansı İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri IBAD – 2016, 19-22 Mayıs, Madrid-İspanya.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2013). “Long-Run Linkages between Financial Development, Openness and Economic Growth in Turkey”, 9th EBES Conference, January 11-13, Faculty of Economıcs Sapıenza Unıversıty , Rome, Italy.

Bali Sibel, Kadir Y. ERYIGIT, Filiz GAYGUSUZ and Ercan DULGEROGLU. (2012). “Local Financial Development and Capital Accumulations: Evidence from Turkey”, European and Finance Society  2012,  June 14- 17, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2011). “The Role of Physical, Human and Social Capital in Regional Financial Development Differences: An Analysis of Turkish Provinces”, ERSA 2011, 30 August-3 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT (2010). “Modelling the Relationship between Defence, Non-defence Expenditures and Inflation within a Threshold Regression: Evidence from Turkey” 14th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security June 17-18, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2010). “Finansal Piyasaların Performansında Anglo-Saxon ve Kıta Avrupası Hukukunun Üstünlük Tartışması”, Hukuk ve İktisat Forumu, 13 Haziran, Zonguldak.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2009). “The Long-run Linkages between Education, Health, Defence Expenditures and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey”, 13th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security, 24-26 June, Thssaloniki, Greece.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2009) “Terrorism and Stock Market Volatility Dynamics in Turkey: A DCC Analysis”, 13th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security, 24-26 June, Thessaloniki, Greece.

BALI Sibel. (2009). “Financial Development and Institutions”, 1th Anadolu International Conference in Economics, 17-19 June, Eskişehir, Turkey.

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2008) “Potential Linkages Between Defense, Education and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey”, 12th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security, 11-13 June, METU, Ankara, Turkey.

BALI Sibel. and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2007). “Macroeconomic Linkages Between High-Tech Innovation, Economic Growth and Trade: Evidence from Turkey”, International 6th Knowledge, Economy & Management Congress, 26-28 December, Istanbul, Turkey (2007).

BALI Sibel and Kadir Y. ERYIGIT. (2007). “Demographic Transition and Economic Growth in Turkey”, International Conference on Business Management and Economics’07, 13-17 June, Izmir, Turkey.



“Finansal Gelişme Farklılıklarında Fiziksel, Beşeri ve Sosyal Sermayenin Rolü: Türkiye için İller Düzeyinde Bir Analiz”, TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2010, Proje No: 110K295, Proje Yürütücüsü: Ercan Dülgeroğlu

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İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.337]