Assist. Prof. Dr. Filiz ERYILMAZ


Department: Economic Policy

Contact Information: Tel: 0224 294 10 68


Academic Interests: Macroeconomics, Financial Markets



BA: Uludağ University

Master’s: Uludağ Üniversity

PhD: Uludağ Üniversity


Academic Career

Assistant Professor: 2016- …

Research Assistant (PhD) : 2014-2016

Research Assistant : 2006-2016 

Academic Interests

Macroeconomics, Financial Markets 


İktisada Giriş, Mikro İktisat





Eryılmaz, F., Murat, D. (2016). Searching for political business cycles in Turkey: Findings from fiscal policy. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, Sayı 17, 197- 210.

Eryılmaz, F., Murat, D. (2016). Political business cycles theories: Evidence from Turkey. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 14, Sayı 1, 248- 268.

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). Modelling stock market volatility: The Case of BIST-100. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 5/2015, 37- 47.

Eryılmaz, F. and Mercan M. (2015). Political budget cycles: Evidence from Turkey. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2, volume I/2015, 5-14.

Eryılmaz, M.E. ve Eryılmaz, F. (2015). Research on the comparison of uses of rhetoric of public and private sector managers. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6(1): 165-


Eryılmaz, F. and Eryılmaz M. (2015). A Discussion about the Possible Effect of Middle Income Trap on Large Scale Firms’ Selection of Competitive Strategy, Elsevier Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 598 – 607.

Eryılmaz, M.E. ve Eryılmaz, F. (2011). Ekonomik krizlerin retoriksel stratejilere etkisi: TKY örneği. Başkent Üniversitesi Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi (YAD), 11/1–2: 35- 78.

Gayğusuz, F. (2006). Hisse senedi piyasalarında işlem hacmi-volatilite ilişkisi İMKB’ye ait bir uygulama. Çukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 1: 72–102.

Book Chapters

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). Volatility and the regulation of stock markets: evidence from south Asia", Financial Market Regulations and Legal Challenges in South Asia (Ed. Amit Kashyap). USA: IGI-Global Publishing, 134- 144.

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). “KLR Approach as an early warning ındicator of turkish currency and banking crisis in 2000 and 2001”,  Handbook of Research on Financial and Banking Crisis Prediction through Early Warning Systems  (Ed. Qaiser Munir). USA: IGI-Global Publishing, 222- 239.

Eryılmaz, F., Bakır, H. ve Mercan M. (2014). “Financial development and economic growth: Panel data analysis”, Handbook of Research on Strategic Developments and Regulatory Practice in Global Finance (Ed. Özlem Olgu), USA: IGI-Global Publishing, 233- 245.

Bakır, H, Eryılmaz, F. (2014). “Causal relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth: Evidence from Turkey”, Handbook of Research on Strategic Developments and Regulatory Practice in Global Finance (Ed. Özlem Olgu), USA: IGI-Global Publishing, 319- 330.

Eryılmaz, F., Murat, D. (2014). “The traditional opportunistic political business cycles: An example of Turkey”, The Science and Education at the Beginning of the 21 st Century in Turkey, Bulgaria: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Publishing, 70-78.

Eryılmaz, F., Murat, D. (2014). “The Relationship between Stock Market Volatility and Trading Volume: An Application to Turkey” , The Science and Education at the Beginning of the 21 st Century in Turkey, Bulgaria: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Publishing, 92- 100.

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). “An Economic View on Politics: Public Choice Theory”, Turkey at the Beginning of 21st Century: Past and Present, Bulgaria: Sofia University St.  Kliment Ohridski Publishing, 367- 381.

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). “Political Business Cycle Theories”, Education in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice, Bulgaria: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Publishing, 2015, 70- 78.

Eryılmaz, F. (2015). “The Effects of Elections on Turkish Economy: Evidence from Money Supply”, Turkey at the Beginning of 21st Century: Past and Present, Bulgaria: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Publishing, 520- 531.



Eryılmaz, F. and Eryılmaz M. (2015). A Discussion about the Possible Effect of Middle Income Trap on Large Scale Firms’ Selection of Competitive Strategy, 11th International Strategic Management Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Eryılmaz, F. ve Mercan, M. (2013). Political budget cycles and new democracy effect: evidence from Turkey. The Public Choice Society at 50 Years, March 7- 10, New Orleans- Louisiana, USA.

Eryılmaz, F. ve Mercan, M. (2013). Politik bütçe döngüleri ve yeni demokrasi etkisi: Türkiye örneği. II. Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, 6- 8 Mayıs 2013, Bursa, Türkiye.
Gayğusuz, F. (2009). Nedenleri, sonuçları ve yarattığı etkilerle hisse senedi piyasa volatilitesi: İMKB’ye ilişkin bir araştırma. YEBKO, İzmir, 24 Eylül.

Eryiğit Bali, S.,  Eryiğit, K. Y., Gayğusuz, F. ve Dülgeroğlu, E. (2012). Local financial development and capital accumulations: Evidence from Turkey, European and Finance Society, June 14- 17, Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey.

Gayğusuz, F. (2012). An examination of rational opportunistic political business cycles in Turkey: 1986–2011. I. International Interdisciplinary Social Inquiry Conference, June 17-21, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey

Eryiğit Bali, S., Eryiğit, K. Y., Dülgeroğlu, E. ve Gayğusuz, F. (2011). The role of physical, human and social capital in regional financial development differences: An analysis of Turkish provinces, ERSA 2011, 30 August-3 September, Barcelona, Spain.

Gayğusuz, F. ve Bahtiyar, G. (2010). Keynes: Usta geri mi döndü?. Uluslararası İstanbul İktisatçılar Zirvesi II, İstanbul, 13- 14 Mayıs.

Bahtiyar, G. ve Gayğusuz, F. (2010). 2008 krizi mi, yeniden dirilen 2001 krizi mi?. Uluslararası Sempozyum V: Küresel Kriz Sonrasında Ekonominin Yeniden Yapılanması, Balıkesir, 27-29 Mayıs.

Yılmaz, D. ve Gayğusuz, F. (2009). 2008 krizinin yeni global ekonomik yapı üzerine etkileri. Uluslararası Davraz Kongresi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, 24–27 Eylül.

Nargeleçekenler, M. ve Gayğusuz,  F. (2008).  Hisse senedi piyasalarında volatilite ve işlem hacmi ile ilişkisiYEBKO, İzmir, 11- 12 Eylül.


Dülgeroğlu, E., Eryiğit, K.Y., Eryiğit, S. ve Gayğusuz, F. (2010). Finansal gelişme farklılıklarında fiziksel, sosyal ve beşeri sermayenin rolü: Türkiye için il bazlı bir analiz. 110K295 nolu TÜBİTAK Araştırma Projesi.


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İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.311]