Res. Assist. Ebru AYDOĞAN



Department: Business Administration

Division: Accounting & Finance

Title: Research Assistant


Telephone: 224-294 07 34

Personal Web Site:


Educational Background

PhD: – Uludag University, Institute of Social Sciences  (continuing)

Master of Science: 2013 - Uludag University, Institute of Social Sciences

Bachelor: 2009 - Uludag University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences


Academic Background

Research Assistant: 2013




  1. “Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluğun Firma Performansına Etkisi Türkiye Örneği”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan,  Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 19, Issue.34, pp. 185-214., 2018


2.  “Finansal Bazlı Marka Değerinin Firma Performansı Üzerine Etkisi”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, International Journal of Academic Value Studies, Vol.3, Issue.16, 2017


  1. “Prediction of Corporate Governance-Performance Relationship With A Dynamic Model”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, Journal of Accounting and Taxation Studies, Vol.10, pp.91-106, 2017


  1. “The Profitability of Contrarian Strategy: Borsa Istanbul Case”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol.74, pp.201-214, 2017


5. “Petrol Fiyatlarının Firma Karlılığına Etkisi”, Değer Alper, Ebru
Aydoğan, Nesrin Özkan, Esen Kara, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol.72, pp. 151-162, 2016


6. “Relationship Between R&D and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Analysis in
Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, Paradoks
Economics, Sociology and Policy Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, July 2016

7. “Quality Management in the Turkish Higher Education Institutions: Preliminary
Findings”, Mehmet Eymen Eryılmaz, Esen Kara, Ebru Aydoğan,
Olcay Bektaş, Duygu Acar Erdur, Procedia-Social and Behavioral
Sciences, Volume 229, 2016



1. “Zıtlık Stratejisi Optimizasyonu”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan; 2nd
International Symposium on Accounting and Finance, 29-31 Mayıs 2014, Bursa

2. “Bir Afet Riski Olarak Terörizm Riskinin Modellenmesi”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan; 2nd International Symposium on Accounting and Finance, 29-31 Mayıs
2014, Bursa

3. “The Evaluation of Contrarian Investment Strategy with The Approach of Behavioral
Finance- An Application on Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, III. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Science, February 2014,

4. “Gönüllü Karbon Piyasaları ve Türkiye”, Değer Alper, Ebru
Aydoğan, Uludağ Üniversitesi IV. Bilgilendirme ve AR-GE Günleri, 11-13 Kasım 2014,

5. “The Effect of Research and Development Costs On Firms’ Financial Performance:
An Investigation On Chemistry Sector In Turkey, Değer Alper, Ebru
Aydoğan, 3rd International Academic Conference in Paris, 10-11 August 2015, Paris


  1. “Examining The Relationship Between CSR And Firm Performance Of Companies Listed In Istanbul Stock Exchange” Ebru Aydoğan, Değer Alper, Prag, Çekya, 2016


7.  “Performance Of Corporate Governance Index In Terms Of Rısk And Return: Case Of Turkey”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, Prag, Çekya, 2016


8.  “Determınatıon Of The Locatıon Of Establıshment Wıth Electre Method: Bursa Provınce Automotıve Industry Case”, Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, Canan Başdar, Makedonya, Ohrid, 2017




1. Değer Alper, Ebru Aydoğan, Esen Kara, Nesrin Özkan, “Petrol Fiyatlarının Firma
Performansına Etkisi”, Uludag University Scientific Research Project, March 2015 (Researcher)


2. Mehmet Eryılmaz, Duygu Acar Erdur, Esen Kara, Gülcan Petriçli, Ebru Aydoğan, Olcay
Bektaş, “Bir Devlet Üniversitesinin İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesinde ISO
9001:2008 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Kurmaya Yönelik Çalışmalar Üzerine Bir
Araştırma”, Uludag University Scientific Research Project, 2014




1. “The Case of ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification in a Faculty of a
Turkish Public University: Triggers, Processes and Consequences”, Chapter 10,
Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education ,
Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eryılmaz, Arş. Gör. Duygu Acar Erdur, Arş. Gör. Olcay Bektaş, Arş. Gör.
Esen Kara, Arş. Gör. Ebru Aydoğan, 2016



Business Finance, Behavioral Finance, Capital Market




Anasayfaya Dön

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [1.031]