Res. Assist. Dr. Mehlika SARAÇ


Department: Business Administration

Division: Management and Organizations

Title: Research Assistant (PhD) / Lecturer


Telephone: 02242941175

Personal Web Site:


Educational Background

PhD: Uludag University (Business Administration), 2014

Master of Science: Uludag University (Business Administration), 2009-2014

Bachelor: Marmara University (Business Administration), 2000-2004


Academic Background

Research Assistant: Uludag University, 2009

Assistant Professor:-

Associate Professor:-





Saraç, M.,Raina R., Chauhan R., Meydan, B. and Efil, I.(2018). Organisational socialisation: differences in consequences between employees from nations with high and low uncertainty avoidance, Int. J. Indian Culture and Business Management, (in press)



Saraç, M., Meydan, B. and Efil, I., (2017). Does the relationship between person–organization fit and work attitudes differ for blue-collar and white-collar employees?. Management Research Review40(10), pp.1081-1099.


Sarac, M. Acar D. & Bektaş O. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis", European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Feb, 19.


Eryılmaz, M. & Saraç M. (2015). Leadership as a key instrument to alleviate hegemonic relationships in organizations: A case from a public university." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 210 : 21-27.


Saraç M., Efil İ. & Eryılmaz M. (2014) A Study of the Relationship Between Person- Organization Fit and Employee Creativity, Management Research Review 37(5): 479-501


Saraç, M., Ertan, Y., & Yücel, E. (2014). How Do Business Strategies Predict Firm Performance? An Investigation On Borsa Istanbul 100 Index. Journal of Accounting & Finance, (61):121-134.


Saraç, M. & Çiftçioglu , A. (2014). What Do Human Resources Managers Think About The Employee’s Internet Usage ?, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(2):1-12.


Yücel, E. Ertan Y. & Saraç M. (2013) "Kurumsal yönetim endeksinde yer alma ve denetim süresi ilişkisi: Konsolide finansal tablo düzenleme yükümlülüğü olmayan Borsa İstanbul işletmeleri uygulaması." Journal of the School of Business Administration, Istanbul University, 42(2):275-292.


Emel, G. G., Sarac, M., & Kabak, C. (2012). A Two-Phase Model For Strategic Decision Making: Activation Of Scenarios With Cognitive Maps And An Application On Automotive Industry. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 12(4):85-99.


Efil, İ.& Saraç, M. (2009). “Stratejik Yönetim ve Performans Ölçümünde Performans Karnesi ve EFQM Mükemmellik Modeli ile Sinerji Yaratmak” İş, Güç Endüstri İlişkileri Ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 11(2):37-54.


Ertan, Y., Yücel, E.& Saraç, M., (2013) “Konsolide Finansal Tablo Düzenleme Yükümlülüğü Olan İşletmelerin Denetim Süresini Etkileyen Faktörler”, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 9 (19):275-291.


Yücel, E., Saraç M. & Çabuk A. (2012.) “Accounting Ecucation in Turkey and Professional Accountant Candidates Expectations From Accounting Education: Uludag University Application” Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol:3, No:1


Saraç M. & Çiftçioğlu B.A.,(2010). Elektronik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde E-Öğrenme Açılımı Uludağ Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 19(1):29-52.



Saraç M., Acar erdur D., Bektaş O., Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis,  Portekiz, Porto ,2016


Saraç M., Yücel MUĞAL E., Corporate Anorexia In Economic Crisis: Evidence From Turkey Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2016


Eryılmaz M., Saraç M., Who is beneficiary of ambiguities in job descriptions: a qualitative research on an organizational change project? Essen, Germany, 2014

Saraç M. & Meydan TAK B., “Person-Organization Fit” Approach To Recruitment And Selection Process: Differences In Outcomes Between White&Blue Collar Employes”, 29th Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management, EIASM, 24-25 Aprial, 2014, Corsica- France.

Saraç M., “Strategy Changes in Response to Economic Crisis” 25th International Business Research Conference 13 - 14 January, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, ISBN: 978-1-922069-42-9.

Bayram N.& Saraç M., “Relationship Among Job Satisfaction, Interpersonal Conflict, Quantitative Workload And Counterproductive Work Behaviors” 25th International Business Research Conference 13 - 14 January, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa,Africa ISBN: 978-1-922069-42-9 2014

Saraç M.& Nuran Bayram., “Antecedents of Interpersonal Conflict: A Study From Turkey”,The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, 12-15 June, 2014, Osaka, Japan, ISSN: 2186-2303.

Eryılmaz M.& Saraç M., “Leadership As A Key Instrument To Alleviate Hegemonic Relationships In Organizations: A Case Of Public University” , 4th International Conference On Leadership, Technology, Innovation And Business Management, İnternational Strategic Management and Manager Association, November 20-22, 2014 Istanbul-Turkey .

Saraç, M., Efil İ.& Eryılmaz, M.E. (2012) A Research On Relationship Between Person- Organization Fit And Employee’s Creativity, 1. International Interdisciplinary Social Inquiry Conference, Bursa, Turkey.

Çabuk.A., Yücel E.& Saraç M. (2010) The Importance of Accounting Professional Education for Accountants: IES7 The 2nd Balkans and Middle East Countries Auditing and Accounting History Conference, 15– 18 Eylül .

Saraç, M. & Çiftçioğlu, B.A. (2012).” Örgütlerde İş Dışı İnternet Kullanımı: IK Yöneticilerinin Algısı Ve Mevcut Yönetsel Uygulamalar Üzerine Bir İnceleme” 10. Ulusal Yönetim Organizasyon Kongresi. 24-26 Mayıs 2012.

Saraç M. & Meydan, B. (2014). “Birey-Örgüt Uyumunun Bireysel Düzeydeki Sonuçlarının İncelenmesine Yönelik Boylamsal Bir Araştırma , 1. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, Sakarya, 15-16 Kasım, 2013.


BaP Project- Örgütlerde Etkin Süreç Yönetimi Ve Yalın Yönetimi Çalışmalarının Öncülleri Ve Ardılları Üzerine Bir Devlet Üniversitesinde Araştırma (Araştırmacı) 2013-2016


Tubitak Project-Birey Örgüt Uyumu: Örgütsel ve Bireysel Sonuçları Üzerine Mikro Düzeyde Bir Örgüt Analizi Tubitak (Bursiyer/Araştırmacı) 2014-2017


BaP Project- Saraç M., Acar erdur D., Bektaş O., “Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Uygulamaları: Sektörel Farklılıklara İlişkin Bir Vaka Analizi”, 2015-2017 




Other Publications:

Scientific Awards:

“Uludağın Zirvesindekiler” PhD Student Award

Research Interests:

Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Total Quality Management

Master and PhD Thesis Supervised:





Anasayfaya Dön

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [07-Eki-2019]

İçerik Görüntüleme : [848]