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Melek Eker, “Rekabetin Performans Ölçüm Sisteminin Kullanimina Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Çalisma”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:65, Sayi:2, 2010, ss.89-116.
Adem Anbar ve Melek Eker, “An Emprical Investigation for Determining of the Relation between Personal Financial Risk Tolerance and Demographic Characteristics”, Ege Academic Review, 10(2), Nisan 2010, pp.503-523.
Melek Eker, “The Affect of the Relationship between Budget Participation and Job-Relevant Information on Managerial Performance”, Ege Academic Review, 10(1), Ocak 2010, pp.183-198.
Melek Eker, “The Impact Of Budget Participation On Managerial Performance Via Organiztional Commitment: A Study On The Top 500 Firms in Turkey”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:64, Sayi:4, 2009, pp.118-136
Ibrahim Lazol ve Melek Eker, “The Effect of Competition and Computer Aided Manufacturing on the Use of Multiple Performance Measures: An Empirical Study”, “Is, Güç” Industrial Relations and Human Resources Journal, Vol: 11, Num:3, July 2009, pp.67-86.
Melek Eker ve Semih Eker, “An Empirical Analysis of the Association between the Organizational Culture and Performance Measurement Systems in the Turkish Manufacturing Sector”, Journal of Economic and Social Research, Cilt:11, Sayi: 2, 2009, pp. 43-76.
Melek Eker, “The Impact of Budget Participation and Management Accounting Systems on Performance of Turkish Middle Level Managers” Akdeniz I.I.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt:9, Sayi:17, Mayis-2009, pp.105-126.
Melek Eker ve Adem Anbar, “Work Related Factors That Affect Burnout Among Accounting and Finance Academicians”, “Is, Güç” The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Vol: 10, No:4, September 2008, pp.110-137.
Lale Karabiyik, Melek Eker ve Adem Anbar, “Determining The Factors That Affect Burnout Among Academicians”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:63, Sayi:2, Nisan – Haziran 2008, pp.91-115.
Ibrahim Lazol ve Melek Eker, “Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Just in Time Production, Total Quality Management and Use of Balanced Scorecard Measures: An Empirical Study”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 63-2, Nisan 2008, pp.171-197.
Melek Eker, Semih Eker ve Fikri Pala, “The Effects of Job Satisfaction and Demographic Characteristics On Organizational Commitment Among Turkish Health Care Staff: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Academic Studies, Vol:10, Number:36, February 2008-April 2008, pp.46-68.
Melek Eker ve Fikri Pala, “The Effect of Competition, Just In Time Production and Total Quality Management on the Use of Multiple Performance Measures: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Economic and Social Research 10(1) 2008, pp.35-72.
Melek Eker, Adem Anbar ve Lale Karabiyik, “Job Satisfaction of Academicians in Turkey and The Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction”, “Is, Güç” The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Vol: 9, No:4, September 2007, pp.66-90.
Melek Eker, Adem Anbar ve Lale Karabiyik, “The Relationship Between Demographic Characteristics and Burnout Among Academicians in Turkey”, Journal of Academic Studies, Vol:9, Number:34, August 2007-October 2007, pp.14-35.
Adem Anbar ve Melek Eker, “Bireysel Yatirimcilarin Finansal Risk Algilamalarini Etkileyen Demografik ve Sosyo- Ekonomik Faktörler”, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayi.9, 2009, ss.129-150.
Melek Çakir ve Edip Örücü, “Üretim Isletmelerinde Örgüt Kültürünün Tespitine Yönelik Bir Arastirma”, Atatürk Üniversitesi I.I.B.F. Dergisi, Sayi:1, 1999, ss.19-44.
Adem Anbar ve Melek Eker, “An Examination of Relationship Between Burnout and Job Satisfaction Among Turkish Accounting and Finance Academicians”, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies (EJEPS), 1(1), 2008, pp.46-67.
Fikri Pala, Semih Eker ve Melek Eker, “The Effects Of Demographic Characteristics On Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study On Turkish Health Care Staff”, “Is, Güç” The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Vol: 10, No:2, April 2008, pp.54-75.
Ibrahim Lazol ve Melek Eker, “Tam Zamaninda Üretim, Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Finansal Olmayan Performans Ölçüleri: Ampirik Bir Çalisma”, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakis, Yil:8, Sayi:25, Mayis 2008, ss.43-62.
Melek Eker, “Finansal Olmayan Performans Ölçülerinin Kullaniminin Yeni Üretim Ve Yönetim Tekniklerine Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Çalisma”, Uludag Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: XXV, Sayi:1, Haziran 2006, ss.89-108.
Melek Çakir Eker, “Genel Üretim Giderlerinin Faaliyete Dayali Maliyet Yöntemine Göre Dagitimi ve Muhasebelestirilmesinde 8 Nolu Ana Hesap Grubunun Kullanimi”, Uludag Üniversitesi I.I.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt XXI, Sayi:1, 2002, ss.237-256.
Melek Çakir Eker, “Yeni Üretim Ortamlarinda Mevcut Sistemin Yetersizlikleri ve Yeni Bir Yöntem Olarak Faaliyete Dayali Maliyet Yöntemi”, Isletmelerde Çagdas Yaklasimlar, Editör: Prof.Dr.Zeyyad Sabuncuoglu, Livane Matbaasi, 2002, ss.127-148.
Fikri Pala ve Melek Eker, “Bursa’da Ilk 250 Firmanin 9 Yillik Sektörel Karlilik Analizleri, Bursa’daki 250 Büyük Firma Arastirmasi, Agustos 2007, ss.109-115.