RoGeMoPorTur - Call for papers
 RoGeMoPorTur - Call for papers

Call for Papers

Registration Form

One of the most defining aspects of the cultural richness of the Western world is undoubtedly the existence and mutual influence of different cultures, coming together and intertwining in a continuous evolution. Contacts between people from different cultures and regions have always been a reality, giving rise to new cultural expressions in a symbiosis between the existing and the new. Politics and trade, territorial expansion and the settlement of conquered lands, among other things, were factors in the cultural and artistic exchange between the different regions of the Roman Empire. This exchange is well represented and present in the numerous testimonies of our Hellenistic and Roman heritage.
The RoGeMoPorTur project (Roman Geometric Mosaics in Portugal and Turkey. A Comparative Study) is essentially a pilot project for scientific cooperation between researchers in the fields of Archaeology and Art History from Portugal and Turkey in the field of Roman mosaic studies. Its aim is to identify and comparatively analyze the hybridization of cultures reflected in the Roman mosaics in Portuguese and Turkish territory, and, where possible, to identify the cultural exchange and interaction between East and West resulting from the mobility of craftsmen, trade and contacts between different parts of the Empire. For this purpose, the RoGeMoPorTur project was launched and the first Colloquium was held in Alter-do-Chão from 1 to 3 July 2016 (Proceedings published in JMR 10).

The Theme of the Second Colloquium of the RoGeMoPorTur project:
“The sea reflected in the mosaic floors of the Roman Empire: it‘s role in cultural interaction“
Dates: 28th February - 2nd March, Lagos (Portugal), including excursions from the west to the east of the Algarve.


Submission of Abstracts and/or posters
1. Panel:
The sea (Mare Nostrum and the Atlantic Ocean) has played a decisive role as a tool for the diffusion of cultures: Anatolian, Greek, Italian, Phoenician, Celtic, Iberian, Punic, Egyptian and North African civilizations have interacted and influenced each other by sea for centuries. Under Panel 1. mosaics with a maritime theme from different parts of the Mediterranean will be presented.
2. Panel: Discoveries and recent studies
Recent discoveries and comparative critical analyses of pavements known and studied in the past can lead to new interpretations and establish new paradigms of knowledge.
Please submit a brief abstract in English (150 words) to
The colloquium is open to anyone interested in marine mosaics.
The papers (and posters) will be published in the Journal of Mosaic Research.


Abstract Deadline: 15/10/2024
Announcement of Accepted Papers: 31/10/2024
Last Date for Submission of Papers: 28/03/2025


Organising Committee
Municipality of Lagos

Mosaic Research Center at Bursa Uludag University (AIEMA – Türkiye)
Dr. Maria Jesus Duran Kremer (IHA - FCSH – NOVA University,
Chairperson of the APECMA General Assembly)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahin, Bursa Uludag University
Dr. Elena Morán (Municipality of Lagos)
Prof. Dr. Derya Şahin, Bursa Uludag University
Secretariat: Dr. Hazal Çıtakoğlu, Dr. Gonca Gülsefa, Nur Deniz Ünsal.






Anasayfaya Dön Güncel Haberler Haber Arşiv

Haber Tarihi : [16-Eyl-2024]

Haber Görüntüleme : [239]